The King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Portsmouth is the de facto harbour authority for the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth, responsible for the safe and effective operation of the port primarily for the benefit of the Ministry of Defence. The port also has a wide range of commercial and recreational water users, and KHM has a duty to ensure safety for all users. In accordance with published MOD policy, KHM complies with the provisions of the Department of Transport’s Port Marine Safety Code, and this guides the rules, regulations and safety guidance maintained by KHM.
The KHM Port Safety, Health and Environment Officer (PSHEO) is responsible to KHM, through the Deputy King’s Harbour Master (DKHM), for the delivery and operation of the Safety and Environmental Management System in accordance with the Port Marine Safety Code and supporting civil and MOD documentation. The PSHEO is to engender a positive safety culture through active collaboration and partnering with both internal and external stakeholders. Raising the profile of health, safety and environmental protection, offering a proactive, solutions focused approach, enabling stakeholders to understand and manage health and safety successfully, whilst maintaining legal compliance based on risk profile.
The PSHEO is responsible for the satisfactory performance of the following tasks:
Administer, author, implement and review the Safety and Environmental Management System, ensuring that the health, safety and environmental protection requirements of the applicable legislation, regulation and policy are met.
Generate, review and administratively maintain the Dockyard Port risk assessments.
Report, investigate and review safety incidents and near misses within the Dockyard Port.
Sponsor and review such health and safety documentation as necessary to maintain a safe, effective and efficient Dockyard Port. Such will include risk assessments/operations plans submitted to KHM for events within the Dockyard Port.
Publish, amend and rescind Local Notices to Mariners maintaining appropriate documentation.
Act as end customer for port safety related contracts, taking user actions in the Contracting, Purchasing & Finance system.
Oversee the delivery of, review and update an Maritime and Coastguard Agency approved Oil Spill Response Plan. This includes, during core hours, the coordination and management of oil spill/marine pollution incidents.
Monitor the capability and performance of the tier 1 and tier 2 oil spill responders.
Attend committee meetings, authority and local community meetings/forums, representing the interests of the KHM organisation, as required by KHM/DKHM.
Support departmental projects and other items of work as reasonably required and within your capability.