Volunteer Vacancy: Zoo Insights Panel Members
We’re recruiting for up to 15 volunteers for our brand-new Zoo Insights Panel (ZIP) which will help provide ideas and insights for Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm as we embark on our next exciting chapter as a conservation and education charity.
The purpose of our Zoo Insights Panel is to provide feedback and ideas to the zoo’s Leadership Team and Board of Trustees in planning how to make the zoo an even better visitor experience and a real center of excellence for conservation, education, and well-being.
As a member of the panel, you will work with other members to:
* Provide feedback on the experience of visitors to the zoo, on how well it engages with visitors, on its value for money, on the catering, retail, and other services, and on how it compares with other visitor attractions.
* Suggest how the zoo might increase its engagement with its visitors, improve its accessibility, services, and activities, and encourage more involvement with the community.
* Raise concerns about any aspect of what Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm does.
* Help us to work out the best answers to questions we’re considering on topics like improving our sustainability or developing our animal collection and our conservation work.
You might also be asked to talk to Trustees or Managers about their ideas, or to join selection panels assessing candidates for appointments to leadership roles at the zoo.
The composition of the Zoo Insights Panel, its responsibilities, the support that members will get, and rules for its meetings and for appointing its members are set out in its Terms of Reference. Members are initially appointed for a term of two years (but can step down before then), after which they could be reappointed for a further two years (subject to being approved by the majority of the rest of the Panel and the Zoo Director).
Panel meetings will be held at the zoo twice a year, and members need to be prepared to devote around twelve hours a year to prepare for and attend those meetings, and to respond to questions we send out between those meetings seeking your feedback.
Panel members are not remunerated for their involvement, but expenses can be claimed.
Members of our Zoo Insights Panel will:
* Love our zoo and want it to be even better.
* Be regular visitors to the zoo – as visitors, members, volunteers, or educators.
* Share our enthusiasm about the conservation of animals, wildlife, and biodiversity, for education about environmental protection and improvement and conservation, and about promoting the well-being of people through engagement with the zoo.
* Be comfortable about sharing their views with others, be able to express their opinions, and be able to work with others positively and supportively.
* Be eager to ensure that equality, diversity, and inclusion are embraced by the zoo.
We want the panel to be a diverse mix of thinking, background, and experience, and of all ages from 18 and above, and will welcome anyone who feels they have something to contribute to our life and future.
We would particularly welcome interest from those from a global majority heritage background, and from younger candidates, and from parents and grandparents with young families who share our love of Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm.
Zoo Insights Panel applications
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Zoo Insights Panel, please email or write to us by 15th January 2024, to Kayla Seagrave, HR Coordinator at the address below, to tell us why you want to be considered and why we should want you to join us.
We will shortlist candidates for an informal interview in February and, as with all our positions, all successful applicants will be asked to complete a diversity monitoring form, and to declare any existing or potential conflicts of interest.
We expect the first meeting of the Panel to be arranged for May or June 2024.
By email to: kayla.seagrave@noahsarkzoofarm.co.uk or by post to: Kayla Seagrave, Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Road, Wraxall, Bristol, BS48 1PG
Call Kayla Seagrave on 01275 852 606 or email her at the address above.
For more information, please visit www.noahsarkzoofarm.co.uk/careers