CLINICAL To work autonomously to manage own caseload of research studies, maintaining effective communication with patients, carers and other healthcare professionals to ensure high quality service delivery. To ensure that research study specific investigations are undertaken as required by the trial protocol in order to establish eligibility and safety to enter the trial. To act as a resource and support to patients and carers, explaining practical aspects of research studies and working with clinical teams to map patient pathways as required. To arrange collection of samples required as part of the research study and ensure safe and appropriate storage of specimens in conjunction with local support services staff. To maintain adequate patient records and ensure all relevant information is documented in the patients healthcare records. To be responsible for accurate and timely completion of case report forms (CRFs). To monitor treatment toxicity/side effects and ensure that changes to treatment are effected as required by the research study protocol. Record and report adverse events that occur whilst the patient is in the research study to the relevant personnel and through the Trust reporting system, acting as required. Report and record serious adverse events that occur whilst the patient is in the research study to the local Principal Investigator, research study personnel as required and through the Trust reporting system. Qualified Non-Medical Prescribers who are registered with their professional body will adhere to trust policy, work within their own competence and regulatory framework. Prescribing within drug trials will be on a case by case basis and will be agreed by the sponsor, chief investigator, principal investigator and line manager. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION To contribute to the development of clinical and research controlled documents as appropriate and in line with the Trusts Controlled Documents Policy and the needs of the R&D Department. To ensure that research study recruitment records are accurately maintained and data systematically recorded in healthcare records. To maintain study site files and documentation. To liaise with Trust support services as required by the research protocol to ensure safe and smooth running of the study. To access appropriate computer systems in order to retrieve relevant information. To ensure that research studies are effectively archived as required. To provide information as required for the raising of invoices related to research studies. To provide support for R&D Department colleagues and attend meetings relevant to the post. EDUCATION AND TRAINING To act as a resource for colleagues in relation to research studies. To assist in the education of all relevant health care professionals to enable them to care for research study patients. To keep all appropriate staff informed of the progress of research studies. To keep up-to-date on research related topics in general and as appropriate to caseload and interest. To assist in the preparation of posters for meetings and conferences both locally and at other events as required. To assist with the education and training portfolio of the R&D Department delivering training sessions on research and research related topics as required. RESEARCH AND AUDIT To contribute to the management of the local portfolio of research studies and assist in the identification of research studies for introduction to Research teams. To maintain and expand understanding of research governance and the implication to research. To identify patients eligible to enter research studies, registering and randomising patients into clinical trials as required completing pre-study tests where required. To facilitate the informed consent process ensuring the following is accounted for: o The patient (and significant others) fully understand the nature of the research study o The patient is aware that entry into the trial is voluntary and they can withdraw at any point without prejudice o The patient is aware of any extra procedures required by the trial o The consent form is completed accurately and filed as required. To be responsible for the forwarding of research study data in a timely manner including screening of potential patients for clinical trials and evaluating eligibility. To assist the clinical service and wider Research Team with the production of a research participant recruitment and retention strategy for each assigned research study.