The post holder will have regular contact with a wide range of staff at all levels within the ICB/S, with senior and other representatives of local stakeholders, as well as withpatients and their representatives. Some of the key direct relationships include: Cheshire and Merseyside ICB/S executive teams Cheshire and Merseyside ICB leadership teams Chief Information Officers / Digital Leads Clinical Leaders Colleagues within NHSE/I Senior leaders across Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS, local authorities and other third sector organisations Main duties and responsibilities Provide assurance regarding the quality of individual packages of care by undertaking reviews as required and reporting quality/safeguarding concerns through the agreed reporting route in a timely manner and undertaking urgent reviews of individuals where quality and safety concerns have been identified Support the delivery of the National Care and Treatment Review Policy, the post holder will be expected to chair local Care (Education) & Treatment Reviews The post holder may also be asked to support work across of areas of the Transforming Care Programme for example STOMP / STAMP Maintain the service principle of preventing out of area placements and enable service users with a mental health need to return to the local area from out of area placements Implement policy and guidance in respect of Section 117 of the Mental Health Act and associated policy areas Management of complaints/disputes and be influential within a complex and challenging environment To participate in the delivery of training for internal and external staff within specialist area of responsibility Contribute to formal and informal education and training programmes, mentoring student nurses on placement with the service Undertake collaborative work with multi professionals and multi-agency organisations to ensure individuals needs are met, particularly in relation to ongoing care needs and discharge arrangements To identify any training needs within internal and external organisations and ensure information is fed back appropriately To participate as a health panel member at Independent Review panels on an as required basis Responsible for own professional development and be actively involved in Professional and Multi Agency initiatives To deputise for the Head of service (specialist) as required To line manage staff as delegated by the Clinical Lead ensuring HR policies are followed To provide clinical supervision to staff as directed by the Clinical Lead Ensure own and any direct reports compliance with all statutory and mandatory training The job description and person specification are an outline of the task, responsibilities and outcomes of the role. The post holder will carry out any other duties as may reasonably be required by their line manager.