What skills and experience we're looking for
1. Leadership and strategic development of all policies and provision for SEND and other vulnerable students
• Develop and oversee the implementation of the school's SEND strategy and policy
• Analyse school, local and national data and develop appropriate strategies and interventions
• Keep up to date with national and local policies related to SEND and cascade information to colleagues
• Contribute to school self-evaluation, particularly with respect to provision for students with SEND
• Maintain up to date knowledge of national and local initiatives that may affect the school’s policy and practice
• Make sure the SEND policy is reflected in the school development plan
• Plan high quality CPD for teaching and non-teaching staff around SEND
• Work with the Deputy Headteacher and Governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 in terms of reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
• Work with BBCET Leaders and colleagues to develop excellent practice within all Trust schools
2. Ensuring that SEND policies are implemented effectively and meet the needs of SEND students
• Manage and advise on the school budget and resources for SEND provision
• Develop and maintain systems for keeping pupil records, ensuring information is accurate and up to date
• Maintain an accurate SEND register and provision map
• Be aware of the provision in the local area
• Work with feeder middle schools, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals and external agencies
• Be the key point of contact for external agencies, particularly North Tyneside Council
• Analyse assessment data
3. Provide and co-ordinate the support required for SEND students
• Carry out assessments of pupils with SEND to identify needs and monitor progress - including observations in the classroom and meeting with teachers and parents
• Work with classroom teachers, the school leadership team, parents and relevant external agencies to develop, implement and monitor individual support/learning plans
• Provide regular updates on pupil progress through written reports and meetings with parents
• Implement and lead intervention groups for students with SEND and evaluate their effectiveness
• Make referrals and liaise with professionals outside of the school - this could include psychologists, health and social care providers, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists
• Secure relevant services for the students
• Communicate effectively with parents, building relationships and ensuring that families are fully involved in the provision of support for their child
• Apply for and review Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) and Higher Needs Funding (HNF) as appropriate
• Ensure that if a student transfers to or from another school that all information is conveyed and support a smooth transition for the student
• Promote the inclusion of SEND students in the school community ensure equitable access to the curriculum, facilities, and extra-curricular activities
4. Accountable for the quality of education for SEND students
• Set high expectations for all students that stretch, challenge and include all students
• Collaborate with the Senior AHT (Curriculum) to guarantee that the curriculum is planned so that it meets the needs of all SEND students in every subject
• Advice teachers on how inclusive pedagogy and formative assessment can improve the progress for all students
• Provide advice, guidance, and training to classroom teachers on supporting students with SEN
• Support teachers to develop schemes of work and learning programmes for students with SEN
• Support teachers to develop and implement effective teaching and behaviour management approaches in the classroom
• Lead training for all staff in inclusive practice, special educational needs and how to meet the needs of all students
5. Leadership and management of the SEND team
• Promote a culture and ethos that promotes inclusion
• Lead and manage the Associate SENDCOs, ensuring that they are directed, supported and fulfil their designated responsibilities
• Appraise the Associate SENDCOs and have oversight of the appraisal of LSAs
• Co-ordinate the SENDCO team and deploy LSAs to meet the needs of SEND students
6. Other responsibilities
• To contribute to the continuing improvement of the school as part of the Senior Leadership Team
• To prepare and report to the Headteacher and Local Governing Committee
• To carry out daily duties as part of the Senior Leadership Team
• To attend occasional meetings during evening hours, weekends or in school holidays as required
• The post holder must carry out his/her duties with full regard to the Trust’s Child Protection, Equalities and other relevant polices in the terms of employment and service delivery to ensure that colleagues are treated, and services delivered in a fair and consistent manner
• That the post holder is required to comply with health and safety policy and systems, report any incidents/accidents/hazards and take pro-active approach to health and safety matters in order to protect both oneself and others
• That the post holder will be required to comply with all Trust policies
What the school offers its staff
The school provides:
• An extremely positive, stimulating environment
• Enthusiastic students and excellent staff
• Excellence in teaching, learning and achievement
• A strong culture of learning, improvement and collaborative working
• Leadership development and opportunities.
Commitment to safeguarding
St Thomas More is committed to the safety and protection of its students. The successful applicant will be required to undergo an Enhanced Disclosure check via the Disclosure and Barring Service together with other relevant employment checks deemed appropriate. An online search will take place on shortlisted candidates as part of the recruitment process and inline with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 guidance.