We are recruiting for a Second in Department for Religious Education
Required for September 2025
Salary Range: Main Scale/Upper with a TLR 2b
Hours: Full time/permanent
Hagley Catholic High School is looking to recruit a full-time teacher of RE. It is essential that the candidate can teach across KS3 and KS4, while teaching at KS5 is desirable but not essential. The RE Department is very well regarded. It has an experienced and established team; schemes of learning are well sequenced, and students make excellent progress.
Students secure very good GCSE results, with 82.8% achieving 9 - 4 grades in 2024 and 42.5% of students achieving 9 - 7 grades. The department also secured an excellent progress score of +0.69 in 2024 and an average grade of 6, placing it well above the national average. Students achieve well in Religious Education at A level and are consistently above national averages, with an average grade of B- in 2024. Recruitment to A level RE is also very good, with 10 students in current Year 13 and 12 students in the current Year 12.
The department has seven specialist teachers currently. The appointed candidate would be expected to provide secure specialist knowledge of the RE curriculum, as well as being responsible for the continued promotion of the department and its success. RE is taught to all pupils in Key Stages 3 and 4, plus core RE at KS5. The appointed person would be responsible for leading Key Stage 3 and implementing the new Catholic RE Curriculum Directory. The appointed candidate would teach both KS3 and KS4, with opportunities to teach A level for the right candidate. The school is looking to appoint a committed and conscientious practitioner, with a passion for Religious Education and a desire to add further value to the subject and department as second in charge.
The school welcomes applications from candidates of all faiths and backgrounds. The successful candidate would be expected to contribute to teaching and developments across the whole department. A commitment to promoting the ethos of the school is also very important.
A full application pack is available from Hagley Catholic High School, by contacting the Principal’s PA or downloading the pack from the Emmaus website:
Email - principalpa.hchs@emmausmac.com
Phone - 01562 883193
Online - www.hagleyrc.worcs.sch.uk
We warmly welcome visits to the school. For specific questions about the role and/or to request a visit, please contact Phil Farley (Head of Department) at pfarley@emmausmac.com.
Closing Date: 18th March 2025
Interviews: w/c 24th March 2025