A Vacancy at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board.
Thepost holder will providesupport to ensure the effective negotiation and management of a range of contracts, taking responsibility for aportfolio of contracts, ensuring successful delivery of provider contracts commissioned by theICB, to time and to budget.
To work closely with the Contract Management Team(CMT)as an integral part of negotiations and performance monitoring, taking the lead on a defined portfolio ofcontracts.
Support the monthly contract monitoring and management agenda including:
Monitoring performance against contractual targets.
The production of timely and validated contract monitoring information - including quality in a user-friendlyformat.
Support the escalation and intervention; taking responsibility for alerting theDeputy Director of Contracting/Business Partnerto issues of concern and making recommendations for the actions that shouldbetaken.
Coordinate the contract assurance reports for the monthly meeting.
Ensure that the contracts, including risks, are actively managed in alignment with the strategic priorities ofICB&NHS.
To review contract performanceand recommend remedial action to be taken. Identifying areas of risk for theICB. Working with theDeputy Director of Contracts/Business Partnersto advise and recommend how these can be mitigated. Documenting the advice provided as part of an audit trail/risk assurance process.
Providedetailed management and performance reports for inclusion in the monthly corporate reports for theICBagainst key performance indicators in a format that enables complex information to be easily understood.
Our goal as an organisation is to lead and support delivery of the four Integrated Care System (ICS) aims across STW.
• Improving outcomes in population health and care
• Tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access
• Enhancing productivity and value for money
• Helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development.
All staff are required to model the values of the organisation detailed below, to support the ICB to successfully deliver these aims.
• To work closely with the Contract Management Team(CMT)as an integral part of negotiations and performance monitoring, taking the lead on a defined portfolio ofcontracts.
• Support the monthly contract monitoring and management agenda including:
• Monitoring performance against contractualtargets.
• The production of timely and validated contract monitoring information - including quality in auser-friendlyformat.
• Support the escalation and intervention; taking responsibility for alerting theDeputy Director of Contracting/Business Partnerto issues of concern and making recommendations for the actions that shouldbetaken.
• Coordinate the contract assurance reports for the monthlymeeting.
• Ensure that thecontracts, including risks, are actively managed in alignment with the strategic priorities ofICB&NHS.
• To reviewcontract performanceand recommend remedial action to be taken. Identifying areas of risk for theICB. Working with theDeputy Director of Contracts/Business Partnersto advise and recommend how these can be mitigated. Documenting the advice provided as part of an audit trail/risk assurance process.
• Providedetailed management and performance reports for inclusion in the monthly corporate reports for theICBagainst key performance indicators in a format that enables complex information to be easily understood.
• To manage a variety of correspondence on behalf of theCMT– including but not limited toprovider enquiries; contract enquiriesandICBenquiries.
• Ensure deadlines are metfor the production ofinformation to enable the completion of statutoryNHS returns.
• Support theCMTin ensuring that there is patient and public involvement in any contracted changes to services with the support of theICB’s Communications and Engagement team,in order tomeet theICB’s legislative responsibility to involve patients and the public.
• Prepare agendas, take minutes, typeand distribute notes ofmeetings;
This advert closes on Sunday 23 Mar 2025