Job summary
Anexciting opportunity has arisen to join Norfolk Primary Care, working as aPharmacy Technician across a Primary Care Network in Norwich.
Asa pharmacy technician you will work alongside our Clinical Pharmacists as a keymember of the GP practice teams, contributing to prescribing of the highestquality, safety and value, supporting medicines optimisation and prescribingprocesses.
Tobe eligible for this post candidates must have completed or be enrolled in, beundertaking or be prepared to start an approved 18-month training pathway (Primary care pharmacy educational pathway (PCPEP)) Pharmacy technicians must beregistered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. Entry to the PCPEPprogramme will include the option for an accreditation of Prior Learning (APEL)process.
Main duties of the job
Youwill provide support to our GPs, Pharmacists, other clinical staff andreception teams, co-ordinating discharge summaries and medication reviews,playing a central role in repeat prescribing processes, liaising with ourpatients, carers, hospital and community pharmacies, responding to medicationqueries and updating medical records.
About us
Norfolk Primary Care (NPC) is a Primary Careprovider based in Norfolk. We have a very cohesive working relationship with thepractices we support and are one of the fastest growing health organisations inNorfolk. We are keen to add to our clinical workforces and have a fantasticopportunity for a Pharmacy Technician towork within one of our Primary Care Networks (PCNs), East Norwich PCN.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Undertakingpatient facing and patient supporting roles to ensure effective medicines use,through shared decision-making conversations with patients.
Carryingout medicines optimisation tasks including effective medicine administration checking inhaler technique, supporting medication reviews and medicinesreconciliation. Where required, utilise consultation skills to work inpartnership with patients to ensure they use their medicines effectively.
Asdetermined by the PCN practices, supporting medication reviews and medicinesreconciliation for new care home patients and synchronising medicines forpatient transfers between care settings, linking with local communitypharmacists, and referring to the pharmacist for structured medication reviews.
Providingspecialist expertise, where competent, to address both the public health andsocial care needs of patients, including lifestyle advice, service information,and help in tackling local health inequalities.
Taking acentral role in the clinical aspects of shared care protocols and liaising withspecialist pharmacists for more complex patients.
Supportinginitiatives for antimicrobial stewardship to reduce inappropriate antibioticprescribing.
Supportthe Clinical Pharmacist in SMRs organise necessary monitoring test priorto SMR.
Manageshared care protocols and liaise with Clinical Pharmacists for more complexpatients.
Technical and Administrative:
Workingwith the GP practice multi-disciplinary team to ensure efficient medicinesoptimisation, including implementing efficient ordering and return processesand reducing wastage.
Providingtraining and support on the legal, safe and secure handling of medicines,including the implementation of the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) andelectronic Repeat Dispensing - eRD.
Developingrelationships with other pharmacy technicians, pharmacists and members of themulti-disciplinary team to support integration of the pharmacy team acrosshealth and social care including primary care, community pharmacy, secondarycare and mental health.
Supervisingpractice reception teams in sorting and streaming general prescriptionrequests, so as to allow GPs and clinical pharmacists to review the moreclinically complex requests.
The role will also require pharmacy technicians to supportthe implementation of national prescribing policies and guidance within GPpractices, care homes and other primary care settings. This will be achievedthrough undertaking clinical audits use of antibiotics, supportingquality improvement measures and contributing to the Quality and OutcomesFramework and enhanced services. In addition, pharmacy technicians will assistin the delivery of medicines optimisation incentive schemes medicinesswitches and patient safety audits.
Person Specification
1. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification.
2. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification.
3. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification.
4. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification.