PhD Studentship in Climate-Based Daylight Modelling (Loughborough, UK with Arup, London)
Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship starting in October 2013 to undertake research in climate-based daylight modelling and its application to solve traditional, novel, and emerging problems in the daylighting design of buildings at all scales from individual spaces to urban settings. The work will be supervised by Prof. John Mardaljevic (Loughborough University) and Dr. Francesco Anselmo (Arup, London).
To be of practical use in industry, the disparate strands of CBDM research need to be synthesised to create a robust and authoritative modelling framework - one that has well defined stages, methodologies, quality assurance procedures, etc. CBDM has been applied to a wide range of real-world projects, e.g., daylighting for museums. But it is still an unknown methodology for most practitioners.
CBDM is constantly evolving, so one of the challenges will be to capture this 'moving target' and give shape and coherence to the future development of CBDM. In addition to working closely with industry, the project is aligned with the aims of two International Commission for Illumination (CIE) Technical Committees on CBDM and Daylighting. Thus the project will have significant impact on the future use and development of CBDM in both research and practice.
The candidate will work in close collaboration with Arup and be expected to undertake visits/internships at Arup offices in London lasting a minimum of approximately three months over the duration of the project.
The position
The studentship is open to graduates from numerate disciplines who are interested in daylight simulation. The minimum entry qualification is a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent. A lower qualification is acceptable if supplemented with an appropriate postgraduate (MSc) qualification and relevant experience.
The studentship, funded by an EPSRC CASE award, is for 3.5 years and covers fees and a tax-exempt stipend of £13,726 (with additional top-up of approximately £1,000 per year) for the 2013/2014 academic year with cost of living adjustments in years 2 and 3. Tuition fees will be paid at the UK/EU rate.
Additional Information
Applications can be made on-line at: Applicants are encouraged to make contact with the supervisor to discuss their interest in the subject area.
For an informal discussion on the subject area, please contact the supervisor Prof. John Mardaljevic on +44 1509 222630 or j.mardaljevic at and Dr. Francesco Anselmo by email francesco.anselmo at
For enquiries about the application process, please contact Ms Helen Newbold, h.newbold at
Closing date for applications: Applications will be accepted until 20th August 2013, or until the post is filled.