The post holder will be required to work autonomously at times with service users who may have diverse needs and presentations, often with psychotic symptoms, secondary diagnosis of personality disorder, and who can exhibit aggressive behaviour, poor insight and have offending histories. The rolecontributes to the wider multidisciplinary team and includes attending weekly meetings, face to face contact with service users, supporting individuals in travelling to courses/employment and developing links with external services. Verbal and written clear and adaptable communication, risk assessment skills and contribution to clinical discussion is a vital part of the job.The ETE programme uses a recovery-orientated approach to deliver personalised support tailored specifically to meet the needs and aspirations of each individual service user. Service aims are focused on co-production with an emphasis on encouraging social inclusion, improving self-esteem, confidence, self-belief and hope for the future, cultivating the discovery or re-discovery of a sense of personal identity; and developing meaningful structure promoting inclusion in their local communities.