3 months contract with local authorityRole Purpose To be responsible for assessing and reviewing the special educational needs of Lewisham children and young people with EHCP, with a particular focus on annual reviews. To monitor the efficient use of resources in relation to pupils with Education Health and Care Plans. To ensure that all pupils with special educational needs are appropriately placed in accordance with panel decisions. To ensure that the primary need of each learner with EHCP is accurately reviewed and identified at annual reviews and that EHCPs are amended accordingly. To ensure that every effort is made to reach agreement with parents and carers through the use of mediation and disagreement resolution. To carry out all duties under the direction of the team manager as informed by the assessment and placement panels. Summary of Responsibilities and Personal Duties Personal Duties Assess, monitor, and review the special educational needs of Lewisham children and young people who have an EHC plan. Meet with parents, advocates, and professional agencies at various locations to represent the LA and negotiate appropriate provision to meet children's needs. Work with parents/carers in assessing and monitoring Education, Health, and Care Plans, encouraging participation and engagement in processes. Share responsibility for peer support and development of staff to understand and implement SEN processes within the service. Present and provide details of cases to the SEN Manager/DBV Review Manager, panel chair, and panel members on proposed pupil placements, costs, and travel assistance implications. Issue drafts, amended drafts, final or amended final Education, Health, and Care Plans following the decisions of the SEN panel. Review the quality of annual review documentation received from settings and ensure themes are identified and addressed with all education settings. Represent the LA at annual reviews as necessary, and contribute to the formal process by providing schools, parents, and professionals with advice related to this process. Ensure that all reviews of Education Health and Care Plans are carried out by schools annually and that the procedures adopted by schools are in line with Lewisham policy on SEN and meet statutory obligations. Liaise with the admissions team to ensure that the SEN Team has access to up-to-date information about vacancies in schools and resource bases. Liaise closely with the Attendance and Welfare Service to ensure that it is aware of pupils with SEN who are out of school. Assist with ensuring that the primary need of each child is accurately updated following annual review, and ensure that the placement planning at SEN panel and within the SEN team takes this into consideration. Work together with services within the Children with Complex Needs service to ensure that a holistic assessment is carried out to understand and meet the needs of the children and family. Assist with securing appropriate placements for children with an Education, Health, and Care plan in line with their identified needs, as far as possible in line with parental preference. Work closely with parents/carers, social workers, and other professionals in securing appropriate placements. In conjunction with SEN support services, Social Care, and Health, ensure that all pupils are kept safe and receive their full education entitlement. Contribute to the establishment of joint protocols and effective relationships with key statutory and voluntary partners. Advise on ceasing Education, Health, and Care Plans as appropriate in line with statutory guidance and following the annual review process. Inform the SEN manager/DBV Review Manager via established pathways of any proposed changes to provision following an annual review and update the Education, Health, and Care plan accordingly. Be part of a team of Senior SEN case officers and have responsibility for a specific allocation of pupils, manage a caseload, and contribute to the development and implementation of efficient systems and processes to effectively meet requirements. Quality assure the Year 5 annual reviews, ready for statutory transitions. Determine if reassessments are required, and ensure the primary need and funding level remain accurate. Represent the SEN manager/DBV Review Manager at meetings with partner agencies, settings, schools, colleges, and voluntary groups. Assist in identifying training and development needs of the SEN team, education settings, and parents specifically related to annual reviews and place planning. Undertake other duties consistent with the scope of the post and within the competence of the post-holder as required. Work closely with parents/carers, social workers, and other professionals in securing appropriate placements. Manage the phase transitions of pupils with SEN, including primary, secondary, and preparing for adulthood, including the onward transfer to other specialist services where necessary. Prepare and present details of cases to the SEN placement panel and the SEN assessment panel and implement the panels' decisions. Contribute to the LA's responses to mediations, tribunal appeals, and complaints, including those from Councillors, MPs, and the Local Government Ombudsman, as well as parents and schools. Develop an automated system to record and measure outcomes for CYPs on Synergy. Work in line with the DBV programmes delivery plan and milestones service strategy and contribute to the progression of identified objectives. Maintain a working knowledge of relevant legislation, local and national policies, and service priorities as they relate to children and young people with special educational needs. Maintain accurate case files and information systems, including maintenance of the SEN database, and ensure information is updated and monitored. Audit and amend, if appropriate, the outcomes on EHC plans for CYP undergoing statutory phase transfers (all four age groups). Participate in the Performance Evaluation System (PES) and undertake appropriate training and development. Carry out these duties with due regard to the Council's environmental policies. Carry out these duties with due regard to the Council's Equal Opportunities Policy and priorities.