Manage a caseload of patients with hepatitis B and C, delivering individualised and personalised direct patient care. Provide clinical expertise, specialist advice and support across within the hepatitis team. Adopt a range of the Chief Nursing Officer 10 key roles appropriate to client group in order to improve and streamline patient care and patient experience. Demonstrate in depth specialist knowledge, skills and innovative practice in the specialist area, leading the delivery or appropriate evidence based care and advanced practice Demonstrate appropriate expert practice and specialist advice in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of patient care. Analyse and interpret complex needs/care for patients. This will necessitate high levels of autonomy and advocacy. Promote the philosophy of patient centred care and establish and maintain a supportive relationship with the patient and their family at all times. Considerthe wide variety of demographic groups accessing the hepatitis service, and promote inclusivity and the development of initiatives that are patient and community centred Promote and encourage multi-disciplinary team working, including participation in relevant MDT meetings. Undertake cross-specialty liaison in order to ensure patients receive appropriate, individualised care If required, develop and promote working partnerships between the Trust and academic staff at local Universities involved in the provision of nursing and multi professional programmes of education Actively participate in local, and, where relevant, national and international networking, to maintain and develop expert level of knowledge in the speciality. Ensure that the importance and implications of education, research and ideas are raised in appropriate forums