Act a conduit for the receipt of all patient safety activity, including but not exhaustively, adverse incident reports, compliments, complaints, safeguarding concerns, regulatory and coronial enquiries. Coordinate adverse incident management and complaints from receipt to closure, including incident generation, investigation allocation, producing investigation bundles, preparation for feedback, quality assurance and approval, managing deadlines, and dissemination of reports to stakeholders and commissioners. Track incidents and actions, supporting the Patient Safety Lead with oversight of adverse incidents management. Record and track learning from incidents and support the Patient Safety Lead with dissemination of learning. Coordinate safeguarding concern management from receipt to closure, including incident generation, reporting to commissioners and statutory bodies, and where necessary investigation allocation, producing investigation bundles, managing deadlines, and dissemination of reports to stakeholders and commissioners. Coordinate audit and quality assurance activity, including identification of patient records, allocation of audits, collation of audit data, and support the Deputy Medical Director to review and quality assure completed audits. Coordinate the receipt of enquiries or concerns from coroners, regulators and other statutory bodies and support the collation of evidence bundles and making timely responses. Coordinate the receipt and data entry of compliments. Manage the documents that guide practice registry, supporting the Clinical Director and Deputy Medical Director with maintaining documents that guide practice. Manage patient care records including appropriate storage, record tracking and act as gate-keeper to patient identifiable data. Manage the incident reporting and audit electronic system, including system housekeeping and acting as a super user. Coordinate and provide administrative support for patient safety panel meetings, ensuring meetings are diarised, maintaining and circulating agendas, action logs and meeting papers. Manage compliance dashboards ensuring appropriate completion, according to deadlines and escalate non-compliance as appropriate. Support preparation of reports for board assurance meetings. Manage patient care records and sensitive information with confidentiality, and following information governance principles. Provide support with general administrative duties.