Communications and Key Working Relationships Function as a practicing registered professional and participate in direct patient care in line with NMC & HCPC Codes of Professional Conduct. Act as a leadership role model through personal example and maintain effective communication with the Divisional Directors of Nursing, Midwifery, Matrons, Ward managers and clinical teams. Facilitate forums to support new workforce models e.g. ACP, AP, TNA. Supervise and act as an experienced registered practitioner for consultative purposes for other staff working in the service and outside disciplines. Provide vision and creativity to ensurethe service has innovative policies and practices to meet customer needs and clinical developments. Actively encourage multi-disciplinary approaches to patient care. Ensure the health and safety of staff, patients and visitors in accordance with the relevant Trust policies. Work in partnership with all HEIs in the delivery of high standards of professional education. Work with divisions and service leads across acute, community and integrated services to identify and address opportunities for shared learning resulting from incidents and complaints. Work closely with the divisions and corporate teams in the development and implementation of initiatives to enhance staff and patent experience. Maintain effective communication links with Divisional Directors of Nursing, Matrons, Learning Environment Managers, Specialist Nurses, Clinicians and other divisional and department teams, as appropriate. Participate in regional collaborative learning from others and by coaching others. Responsibility for Finance Bring to the attention of the Associate Chief Nurse any potential efficiency savings or anticipated budgetary pressures. Ensure a balanced budget within area of responsibility. Manage the Education budget within the Non-Medical Learning Development Agreement.