Job Details
To administer the licensing responsibilities assigned to the Licensing Section of the Shared Regulatory Services. Start date ASAP.
Temp. Ongoing contract for 1 year.
Office Based.
The Shared Regulatory Service operates across the three partner Councils, Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan under a single management structure. The Service is normally accountable to a Joint Committee ofElected Members; however, this role will primarily require the post holder to serve the Licensing and Public Protection Committees of each partner council and in some instances each cabinet or scrutiny committee on corporate matters.
The jobdescription refers to theprincipal duties and responsibilitiesof the Post.Itdoesnotnecessarilylistindetailallthetasksrequiredtocarryout these duties and responsibilities.
* Toprocessanddeterminelicence/permit/registrationapplicationsdealt with by the Licensing Section of the Shared Regulatory Services and carry out any other relevant administrative and clerical functions.
* To determine the suitability of applicants in respect of their appropriatenesstoholdalicenceinordertoensurepublicprotection.
* Respond to a range of routine written, telephone and "face to face" requests for specialist advice and guidance including responsibility for more complex cases as required by the Senior Licensing Officer
* To receive and be responsible...