The Cancer CNS is a key workerrole.The CNSaddresses patients’health concernsand works to promote their health and wellbeing.Using their skills and expertise in cancer care, the CNS provides physical and emotional support to their patients, coordinates their care services, and informs and advises them on clinical and practical issues associated with theirillness.This leads to a more positive outcome for patients.
• The post will incorporate the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) role dimensions of expert clinical practice, education, leadership, management and research.
TheUpper Gastro-IntestinalCancerClinicalNurseSpecialist willberequiredto:
· assistintheprovisionofprofessionalandclinicalleadershipandexpertiseinthecareofthe patient with cancer, acting as a resource to provide information and support to patients, carers and staff.
· liaiseeffectivelywithallmembersofthemultidisciplinaryteamtoachieveaseamless specialist service.
· deliverthepersonalisedcareagendaforthisgroupofpatients
· ensure that everypatient hasaplanof care andliaise withotherteamstoensurethatthis is not compromised
· leadandcontributetothecreationofpatientinformation
· provideformalandinformaltrainingandeducationwithinspecialistarea
· leadandcontributetothedevelopmentofclinicalguidelinesandpoliciesbothinternallyandexternally.
· attendtheCancerCNSCommunityofPractice
· supporthealthandwellbeingeventsandinitiativestosupportpatientstolivewiththeirdisease
At The Royal Free Hospital, you'll be part of a dedicated team of senior nurses committed to enhancing patient care pathways and fostering professional growth. We prioritise ongoing development through formal courses, conferences, and national networking opportunities, ensuring you have the resources and support to thrive in your career with us.
Please see attached job description for more information about this role and working at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Mar 2025