Clinical The Health Care Assistant works under indirect supervision of the Nurse Team Manager and is accountable to her for her actions in undertaking delegated work. This is guided by standard operating procedures and requires the Health Care Assistant to use a degree of initiative. The Health Care Assistant also provides support for other members of the primary healthcare team and contributes towards the co-ordination of team activities. Duties will involve (this is not an exhaustive list); To perform height, weight, body mass index and blood pressure measurements. Urine tests (excluding pregnancy tests), phlebotomy, capillary blood glucose tests; glucose tolerance tests; assisting in minor surgery; supporting patients who are anxious or distressed; diabetic foot checks; hypertension reviews recording the obtained information accurately in the patient records and reporting abnormal findings accordingly to the Nurse Team Manager or GP. To administer B12 injections and Flu Vaccines as per Practice guidelines. To participate in programmes for the management of long-term conditions e.g. basic annual diabetic review, coronary heart disease, asthma and other relevant clinics. To chaperone patients as required. Performs duties with sensitivity to individual patient needs e.g. taking account of cultural background, language requirements, disability etc. Assist patients and, where appropriate, encourage self-care and self-management of self-limiting conditions through health care promotion. Encourage and support individuals, families and groups to address issues which affect their health and social well-being. Represent the interests of individuals and families when they are not able to do so themselves. Develop and maintain the health promotion material within the Practice, including displays for the Waiting Room. Obtain specimens as required and store them in the appropriate place for collection, document all relevant information as required. Work within all relevant Practice policies and procedural guidelines e.g. Infection Control and Chaperoning. Organise and circulate patient leaflets within the Practice and to patients Team / Organisational (this is not an exhaustive list): Ensure that the clinical areas are clean and tidy at all times and take responsibility for the ongoing hygiene of all Consulting Rooms including the cleaning of spilt body fluids in accordance with the Practices Infection Control Policy. To ensure that equipment is regularly checked and tested according to the manufacturers guidelines. Check and record fridge temperatures daily reporting any discrepancy to the Nurse Team Manager. Check vaccine stock levels and expiry dates. To ensure vaccines are received, signed for, stored and rotated correctly, maintaining cold chain at all times. Replace depleted forms and stock in the Consulting Rooms. Check expiry dates of emergency drugs in pack and cupboard weekly and restock as necessary. Participate actively to multi-disciplinary Practice Meetings as requested giving information as required. Contribute to the development, monitoring and evaluation of care delivery by the primary healthcare team. Promote effective communication and relationships within the team. Work collaboratively as a team member to achieve the objectives of QOF and aspirations of the team. Partake in clinical supervision for own development. Develops own knowledge and practice to meet objectives / changes in service. Make effective use of IT system by ensuring consistent and accurate entering of data and use of Read codes. Professional / Management (this is not an exhaustive list): To be aware of the Infection Control Policy within the Practice, and ensure that clinical waste is disposed of correctly, sharps bins are not overfilled and to be aware of the Spills Policy. To dispose of all out of date material promptly and appropriately. To work according to the Practices and other agencies child protection and adult protection guidelines at all times. To work with the Nurse Team Manager to develop an annual personal / professional development plan, undertaking training relevant to the post. To ensure that there are no breaches of confidentiality as a result of your actions. Make recommendations to raise standards of practice and service delivery. Contribute to the Practices or Teams audit and research activities as required. Effort (this is not an exhaustive list): The job involves coping with frequent exposure to unpleasant working conditions on a regular (daily) basis e.g. bodily fluids including sputum, vomit, urine and occasional exposure to verbal and physical aggression. The job involves frequent use of computers. Terms and Conditions All terms will be agreed by the Practice and may be amended from time to time. Communications and Working Relationships The post holder should recognise the importance of effective communication and be able to communicate with other team members, clinical staff, patients and carers and be able to recognise peoples needs for alternative methods of communication. The post holder is responsible for maintaining excellent working relationships and should offer guidance and assistance where required to inexperienced members of staff. Health & Safety It is the responsibility of the individual to work in compliance with all current Health and Safety legislation and the Practice Health and Safety Policy and to attend any training requirements both statutory and mandatory in line with the Practices legal responsibility to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Infection Control It is the responsibility of all individuals to comply with infection control policies and to attend any appropriate training requirements in line with the Practices responsibility to comply with Government Directives. Data Security Staff have a legal duty of confidence to patients. Breaching patient confidence can be a serious disciplinary offence. As an employee the post holder is required to preserve the confidentiality of any information regarding patients, staff (in connection with their employment), and the business. This obligation shall continue indefinitely. Any breach of these requirements will be treated as a serious disciplinary offence which could lead to dismissal and civil action for damages.