A great part time Nanny opportunity has arisen near bathford to help in the care of a 2 year old girl.
They are an active and fun family looking for a confident, energetic and reliable Nanny who is able to follow and put in place boundaries and nurture the little girl's energy. She loves to be outside running around, she enjoys animals, exploring nature and bug hunting. When indoors she enjoys craft activities and books. She has a fun character and loves to chat and cuddle!
Dad works in London some of the week and Mum is a GP in Bath so they are hard working professionals requiring a Nanny to become a part of their team and ensure their little girl thrives in her environment. They are happy for a Nanny to be proactive in taking the girl to groups to socialise and to support her interests and development. Your duties are purely child related.
Minimum experience Level for this job: Minimum 2 years in childcare
Details of any training needed for this job: Paediatric First Aid
Details of any qualifications needed for this job: Level 3 in childcare or above is preferred