Managing and treating long-term conditions with an emphasis on our 400 diabetes patients. Supporting and managing the health needs of women presenting for HRT, contraception, and cervical cytology consultations. Implementing, and participating in, vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults and children, including patients travelling abroad, Childhood Immunisations, Prostap, Zoladex, Inclisiran, Denosumab, RSV, shingles, influenza, Covid-19 and pneumococal vaccination. Meeting the needs of patients presenting for wound care or suture removal. Hypertension review and management. Asthma and COPD reviews. Management of other chronic diseases. Raising safeguarding concerns when needed. To maintain a clean, safe environment, adhering to hygiene and infection control. Provide home visits for the housebound patients needing support for their long term conditions Using a clinical protocol to file normal lab results To select patients for, and attend a quarterly diabetic MDT with a hospital consultant and the GP diabetic lead Review of medical triage submissions