To lead and manage the development, delivery and governance of Medicines optimisation services to inpatients in the Durham and Darlington locality To line manage and professionally support Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians, and consider the development of skill mix within the Durham and Darlington locality To lead on designated areas of pharmacy responsibility across the whole trust To work with all professional staff, patients and carers in the provision of a inpatient medicines optimisation service, ensuring high quality patient focused pharmaceutical care - including visits to clinical areas as needed To deputise for the Deputy Chief Pharmacist and Chief Pharmacist and be involved in pharmacy service developments as needs or opportunities arise To be engaged in delivering the Trusts medicines optimisation strategy / framework, in particular the governance of medicines within inpatient areas in Durham and Darlington. To be engaged in an aspect of the clinical pharmacy services To promote at all times a positive image of people with mental health conditions and learning disabilities To promote at all times a positive image of the Pharmacy profession and the wider Trust Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further detailed information to ensure that you meet the role criteria before applying. Informal enquires to Ros Prior, Deputy Chief Pharmacist - available Mon-Thurs 9am-5.00pm 07717727668 /