This is a part time post, 16 hours per week. The job-holder is able to work flexibly across the week, including evenings and weekend working, subject to agreement with the Clinical Director. The working pattern will be such as to ensure availability to attend the monthly PCN Board meeting. The job-holder will be required to split their working time between remote working from home and some days or part thereof working on-site at one of the 4 practices. The PCN Manager is expected to have the experience and knowledge to enable them to effectively manage the following areas: Organisational Manage all projects on behalf of St Ives PCN, including the development of St Ives PCN as a limited company and ensure effective implementation Monitor and manage implementation of project work against relevant bid requirements and provide timely reports to funding bodies as required Co-ordinate and provide reports on PCN-wide contracting and quality work. Provide the first contact point for outside bodies contacting the PCN Attend the monthly PCN Board meeting and ensure that minutes are recorded and actions managed. Engage with external partners as agreed by the PCN board, particularly the Integrated Neighbourhood Board and streams of work. Convene meetings, prepare agendas and ensure distribution of minutes as necessary Facilitate development of PCN protocols and procedures, review and update as required Delegate work as appropriate to utilise the skills of colleagues from member practices Manage and develop PCN communication systems to ensure all practices are up-todate with PCN developments Support integration of administrative and management functions of member practices in accordance with PCN decisions Human Resources Work closely with the PCN Clinical Director to oversee the recruitment and retention of staff employed by the PCN and those employed on PCN projects Ensure that all PCN staff are legally and gainfully employed. Monitor skill-mix and deployment of staff Ensure that PCN staff have a suitable induction and are adequately trained to fulfil their role Ensure that there is an effective appraisal and monitoring system for PCN employees Support and mentor PCN staff, both as individuals and as team members where appropriate Implement effective systems for the resolution of disputes and grievances including the disciplinary system Keep abreast of changes in employment legislation Maintain up-to-date HR documentation (including job descriptions, employment contracts, DBS, mandatory training records, immunisation records and employment policies) Maintain adequate staffing levels to meet PCN commitments Financial Management Manage the PCN budget and seek ways to generate income as a provider organization. Monitor spend and allocation of monies received Understand and report on the financial implications of contract and legislation changes Process invoices for PCN expenditure, manage PCN accounts, submit year-end figures promptly and liaise with the member practices with quarterly financial updates Monitor cash-flow Manage the payroll for PCN staff, including reimbursement and expenses for staff employed on PCN business and maintain appropriate records Information Management and Technology Ensure that all PCN staff have access to appropriate IT equipment for their role. Continue the development of the PCN website, oversee the content, ensuring consistency with messages presented on individual practice websites. Keep abreast of the latest development in primary care IT including NHSE and ICS and ICB initiatives, and regularly update the PCN Board. Motivate, support and monitor practice members in the use of IT Oversee targets and monitoring standards for integrated IT development Liaise with the NHSE and ICS and ICB regarding systems procurement, IT funding and national IT development programmes Estate Planning Produce baseline data on PCN estate and work with NHSE, ICS and ICB and PCN practices to develop practices or local NHS estate for PCN purposes. Liaise with managing agents and property-owning organisations on behalf of the PCN. Extended Access for patients Be pivotal in assessing and monitoring extended access care on behalf of the PCN as per the PCN DES.