Provide the lead specialist role with respect to:
1. Reviewing and commenting on planning applications impacting on the highway network.
2. Implementing and managing revenue and capitally funded engineering schemes.
3. Project management and coordination of routine engineering works.
4. Appointment, control, and supervision of contractors and consultants.
5. Advising internal and external stakeholders on highways development control and engineering matters.
6. Assisting the Team Manager in leading their respective function within the Highways & Transport Service and deputizing as required.
7. Representing the Council at internal and external meetings, groups, and partnerships, ensuring that the Council priorities and position are truly represented, including securing the resources required to deliver its strategic responsibilities and projects.
8. Professionally advising and making recommendations as required to Elected Members and senior officers at the highest levels to develop and foster agreement and support for the Council's aims, ambitions, and priorities, seeking and securing their support as required.
9. Contributing to the development of policies and programmes that deliver the Council's ambitions.
10. Assisting in the delivery of the Council's statutory obligations as the highway authority.
11. Ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation as well as national standards and codes of practice.