JOB PURPOSE: To facilitate and manage integrated governance systems and processes inHertfordshires learning disability, forensic inpatient and community services, managed by Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT). To support service planning and development in Forensic and Learning Disabilities services managed by HPFT. SCOPE: Within Hertfordshire, we have two secure learning disability inpatient units, one assessment and treatment unit for people with learning disabilities, one secure mental health inpatient unit, forensic community services and the Liaison and Diversionservice. Alongside other Practice Governance colleagues, your role will be tosupport these teams to develop and manage integrated practice governance and quality improvement systems and processes. KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Service Line Lead, Service Managers, Practice Governance Lead, Team Leaders, Charge Nurses, Clinicians, service users, carers. Key meetingrelationships will include Patient Safety, Quality and Risk, and Making Services Better. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Provide direction on all matters across relevant services relating to practice governance. Support managers in setting clinical standards and improving clinical performance of individuals and teams. Support teams to manage and review existing risks and help them to identify emerging risks. Work in conjunction with teams to monitor and review incident reports and act on trends / learning points. Produce governance reports including contributing to quarterly contractual reports. Support the teams in preparing for Care Quality Commission and Mental Health Act visits and any responses that may be required because of these visits. Contribute to the Division Quality and Risk Management meeting. Work with services, service users, carers and their representatives to develop and implement mechanisms for obtaining service user feedback. Support teams to act on the feedback they receive in order to develop and improve services. Promote best clinical practice by undertaking benchmarking exercises and supporting teams to work in accordance with NICE guidance. Identify audit priorities for services and facilitate the audit programme. Help identify staff training requirements and priorities. Work in partnership with teams to enable them to identify improvement opportunities through analysis of data and information, curious reflection, and critical thinking. Support in the dissemination, implementation, and monitoring of Trust policies. Contribute to policy development as required by the Practice Governance Lead.