Work base: Conwy Culture Centre
Are you passionate about libraries, culture and heritage? Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Can you picture yourself working in a vibrant, busy new Culture Centre located just outside the historic Town Walls of Conwy Town?
If you want to gain work experience in Library and Archive Services and develop your skills in customer Service, then this is the opportunity for you.
As a Modern Apprentice (Culture) you’ll work with our friendly multi-disciplinary team to provide an excellent service to library and archive users.
In partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai you will work towards a Level 2 Apprenticeship in Libraries, Archives and Information Services Certificate which will prepare for exciting future opportunities in the cultural sector.
You will have GCSE grades including English at grade C and above and will be able to quickly learn good customer service skills. You will need to be friendly, a good listener, and empathetic as well as organised and committed to the role.
You will be confident in using conversational Welsh with customers while working with us.
Manager details for informal discussion: Leah Edwards, Library Manager (01492 576192 /
Lleoliad gwaith: Canolfan Ddiwylliant Conwy
A wyt yn frwdfrydig am lyfrgelloedd, diwylliant a threftadaeth? Wyt yn mwynhau cwrdd â phobl newydd?
A fedri di weld dy hun yn gweithio mewn Canolfan Ddiwylliant newydd fywiog a phrysur sydd wedi'i lleoli ychydig y tu allan i furiau tref hanesyddol Tref Conwy?
A wyt ti eisiau cael profiad gwaith gyda Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell ac Archifau a datblygu dy sgiliau mewn Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid, os felly dyma'r cyfle i ti.
Fel Prentis Modern (Diwylliant) byddi’n gweithio gyda’n tîm amlddisgyblaethol cyfeillgar i ddarparu gwasanaeth rhagorol i ddefnyddwyr llyfrgelloedd ac archifau.
Mewn partneriaeth â Grŵp Llandrillo Menai byddi’n gweithio tuag at Brentisiaeth Lefel 2 Tystysgrif mewn Llyfrgelloedd, Archifau a Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a fydd yn dy baratoi am gyfleoedd cyffrous yn y dyfodol yn y sector diwylliannol.
Bydd gen ti raddau TGAU gan gynnwys Saesneg gradd C ac uwch a byddi yn gallu dysgu sgiliau gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid da yn gyflym. Bydd angen i ti fod yn gyfeillgar, yn wrandäwr da, ac yn empathetig yn ogystal â threfnus ac ymroddedig i'r rôl.
Byddi’n hyderus yn siarad Cymraeg gyda chwsmeriaid wrth weithio gyda ni.
Manylion y rheolwr ar gyfer trafodaeth anffurfiol: Leah Edwards, Rheolwr Llyfrgell (01492 576192 /
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .