Job summary
We are currently looking for an enthusiastic, caring andhighly motivated doctor to join us as a Salaried We are offering between 6 - 8 sessions per week. We can offer a supportiveworking environment with excellent opportunities for career development. Westrive for a good work-life balance whilst achieving extremely high patientsatisfaction levels in the national Practice Survey.
Main duties of the job
We are looking for a salaried GP who can work with us to ensure that wecontinue to progress, develop and work innovatively within our diversecommunity. The successful candidate will be working as an autonomouspractitioner, responsible for the provision of medical services to the practicepopulation as a whole, delivering an excellent standard of clinical care whilstcomplying with the GMS contract. The post-holder will adhere to the GMCstandards of good medical practice, contributing to the effective management ofthe practice.
About us
We are a training practice and actively involved in theleadership of our local and Federation. Currently we have sevenPartners, two Salaried, a wonderful nursing team and highly supportiveadmin and management teams, practice pharmacists and social prescribers amongothers. We have a scheduled coffee-break each morning and tea break in theafternoon, regular practice meetings and low home visit rates.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job Summary
The post holder will manage a caseload and deal with a wide range ofhealth needs in a primary care setting, ensuring the highest standards of carefor all registered and temporary patients.
Clinical responsibilities
In accordance with the practice timetable, as agreed, the post-holderwill make themselves available to undertake a variety of duties, including F2F andtelephone consultations and queries, visiting patients at home, checking andsigning repeat prescriptions and dealing with queries, paperwork andcorrespondence in a timely fashion.
Making professional, autonomous decisions in relation to presentingproblems, whether self-referred or referred from other health care workerswithin the Practice.
Assessing the health care needs of patients with undifferentiated andundiagnosed problems.
Screening patients for disease risk factors and early signs of illness
Developing care plans for health in consultation with patients and inline with current practice disease management protocols
Providing counselling and health education
Admitting or discharging patients to and from the caseload and referringto other care providers as appropriate
Recording clear and contemporaneous consultation notes to agreedstandards
Collecting data for audit purposes
Compiling and issuing computer-generated acute and repeat prescriptions(avoiding hand-written prescriptions whenever possible)
Prescribing in accordance with the practice prescribing formulary (orgenerically) whenever this is clinically appropriate
In general, the post-holder will be expected to undertake all the normalduties and
Other responsibilities within the practice:
Awareness of and compliance with all relevant practicepolicies/guidelines, prescribing, confidentiality, data protection, healthand safety
A commitment to life-long learning and audit to ensure evidence-basedbest practice
Contributing to evaluation/audit and clinical standard setting withinthe practice
Contributing to the development of computer-based patient records
Contributing to the summarising of patient records and read-codingpatient data
Attending training and events organised by the practice or otheragencies, where appropriate.
In the course of seeking treatment, patients entrust us with, or allowus to gather, sensitive information in relation to their health and othermatters. They do so in confidence and have the right to expect that staff willrespect their privacy and act appropriately
In the performance of the duties outlined in this job description, thepost-holder may have access to confidential information relating to patientsand their carers, practice staff and other healthcare workers. They may alsohave access to information relating to the practice as a business organisation.All such information from any source is to be regarded as strictly confidential
Information relating to patients, carers, colleagues, other healthcareworkers or the business of the practice may only be divulged to authorisedpersons in accordance with the practice policies and procedures relating toconfidentiality and the protection of personal and sensitive data.
Health & safety:
The post-holder will implement and lead on a full range of promotion andmanagement of their own and others health and safety and infection control asdefined in the practice health & safety policy, the practice health &safety manual, and the practice infection control policy and publishedprocedures. This will include (but will not be limited to):
Using personal security systems within the workplace according topractice guidelines
Awareness of national standards of infection control and cleanliness andregulatory / contractual / professional requirements, and good practiceguidelines
Providing advice on the correct and safe management of the specimensprocess, including collection, labelling, handling, use of correct and cleancontainers, storage and transport arrangements
Correct personal use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ensuringcorrect use of PPE by others, advising on appropriate circumstances for use byclinicians, staff and patients.
Management of the full range of infection control procedures in bothroutine and extraordinary circumstances ( pandemic or individual infectiouscircumstances)
Hand hygiene standards for self and others
Managing directly all incidents of accidental exposure
Management and advice relating to infection control and clinically basedpatient care protocols, and implementation of those protocols across thepractice
Active observation of current working practices across the practice inrelation to infection control, cleanliness and related activities, ensuringthat procedures are followed and weaknesses/training needs are identified,escalating issues as appropriate to the responsible person
Identifying the risks involved in work activities and undertaking suchactivities in a way that manages those risks across clinical and patientprocess
Making effective use of training to update knowledge and skills, andinitiate and manage the training of others across the full range of infectioncontrol and patient processes
Monitoring practice facilities and equipment in relation to infectioncontrol, ensuring that proper use is made of hand-cleansing facilities, wipesetc., and that these are sufficient to ensure a good clinical workingenvironment. Lack of facilities to be escalated as appropriate to theresponsible manager
Safe management of sharps use, storage and disposal
Maintenance of own clean working environment
Using appropriate infection control procedures, maintaining work areasin a tidy, clean and sterile and safe way, free from hazards. Initiation ofremedial / corrective action where needed or escalation to responsiblemanagement
Actively identifying, reporting, and correcting health and safetyhazards and infection hazards immediately when recognised
Keeping own work areas and general/patient areas generally clean,sterile, identifying issues and hazards/risks in relation to other work areaswithin the business, and assuming responsibility in the maintenance of generalstandards of cleanliness across the business in consultation (whereappropriate) with responsible managers
Undertaking periodic infection control training (minimum twice annually)
Correct waste and instrument management, including handling,segregation, and container use
Maintenance of sterile environments
Demonstrate due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare ofchildren.
Equality and diversity:
The post-holder will support the equality, diversity and rights ofpatients, carers and colleagues, to include:
Acting in a way that recognises the importance of peoples rights,interpreting them in a way that is consistent with practice procedures andpolicies, and current legislation
Respecting the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefs of patients, carersand colleagues
Behaving in a manner which is welcoming to and of the individual, isnon-judgmental and respects their circumstances, feelings, priorities andrights.
Person Specification
1. Must be qualified as a General Practitioner
2. Must have DBS clearance.
3. Must be a medical practitioner whose name is included in the General Practitioner register and not subject to a suspension.
4. Must currently be on the performers list and not suspended
5. Must have had an annual NHS appraisal.
6. Must have good time management skills, punctual and able to manage and prioritise workload.
7. Must have evidence of further postgraduate educational activities in relevant fields.
8. Must have a good understanding of GMS contract requirements and operations of QOF and enhanced services.
9. Must be familiar with EMIS web
10. Must have the ability to contribute effectively to team meetings
11. Must have experience and interest in medical education within a primary care setting.