Freelance Oral History Interviewer – One Lowry, Many Stories
Deadline to apply – Sunday 9th March
Arranging and conducting interviews and supporting 2 students to interview a range of people; visitors to shows and exhibitions, artists, performers, staff, volunteers, community members and people who have celebrated major life events e.g weddings & graduations. Up to 38 full days, flexible hours.
As part of Lowry Turns 25, an art installation has been commissioned for a prominent location in the Lowry building. The installation will feature recordings of people sharing their memories of Lowry and the transformation of the Salford Quays area.
They are looking for someone experienced in supporting people from a diverse range of backgrounds to share their stories. Clips from interviews will be embedded in the newly commissioned art installation, full-length versions will be added to a ‘Lowry Collection’ in Salford Digital Archives, and we will create a curated public playlist of recordings.
One Lowry, Many Stories is a partnership with the University of Salford, and two students studying relevant courses will be recruited to support delivery of the project. The Interviewer will be required to oversee the students' contributions to the project, setting tasks, and providing support & guidance where needed.
Click here for more information and to apply.