Reviews & Appeals Officer
My client is seeking an experienced Homeless Reviews Officer with strong knowledge of Part 6 and 7 of the Housing Act 1996. The Officer will be interviewing homeless applications and making justified decisions based on assessments carried out. The Officer will be supported by the Team Manager as they understand the pressures of the role.
What we a looking for from you:
To understand the challenges and complexities around homelessness today, the impact that homelessness has on families and single people and have a commitment to addressing housing issues and reducing homelessness.
Responsible for fulfilling the council's statutory function under s202 and s204 of the Housing Act 1996 Part VII i.e. reviewing negative homelessness decisions and suitability of offers when requested by applicants/their representatives and produce a written adjudication supplying the full reason for the review decision.
To conduct appeals against housing register decisions.
To make enquiries into possible fraudulent housing applications and refer on those that require further investigation.
To act as the council's representative in any subsequent court challenge to a review decision or in any litigation around the conduct of the review, including that which involves any decision not to conduct a review.
If you have previous experience in these areas and keen to develop your knowledge further this is a perfect team for you. Management that are willing...