£29,936 -£32,888 assuming good attendance
Hours:Waking nights (4 on / 4off)
Thosehuge smallvictories
Working inour Children’s Homes means being a part of a young person’s day today life. This means being there for the highest highs and lowestlows. Our night support workers are a part of enabling ouryoung people to get their childhood back and create pathways tobecome well rounded adults – an incredibly rewarding role to have.There will be challenges along the way but there will also be thesmallest moments which feel like a huge smallvictory!
Our homes accommodateyoung people with social, emotional and mental health needs, andour aim is to create the best possible outcome for the young peoplein our care. Our night support workers are fulfilled by the idea ofaffecting even the smallest positive changes in our young people,so we celebrate the littlethings.
Getout what you putin
You’ll take careof the home and our young people through the night. There will betimes when a young person wakes up in the middle of the nightdealing with severe trauma, feeling ill, upset or just unable tosleep -having someone there that understands them and providesupport in that moment can make a huge difference. Building arapport and becoming someone our young people can trust in theirtime of need is what we are looking for. In quieter times we willneed you to take care of tasks around the home such as paper work,cleaning and laundry.
Workinghere is never dull, and the work really matters. It’s about tappinginto each young person’s needs, personality and potential - andguiding them toward a positivefuture.
Whatwe do for you
Weknow you’re going to do great things. For your hard work andcommitment, we reward you with the best salary and benefits packagein the care sector. With us, you’ll get to make a genuinedifference to the lives of our young people – plus you’llget:
* Salary:Base salary of £28,536 -£31,488
* Bonuses:£1,400 Attendance Allowance – assuming good attendance, £2,000 Regional Allowance, £1,000Welcome Bonus
- on successful completion of probation& £1,000 Loyalty Bonus (after 12 months ofemployment)
* Training:A full 4-week induction on our CareAcademy
* Holiday:You’ll work hard at WG, so you’ll be rewarded with 7 weeks’holiday
* Progression:If career development is your thing, most of our team leaders andmanagers have been promoted from within our group – plus you couldjoin our ‘Aspire’ future managersprogramme
* Flexiblebenefits package: meaning you can increase/decrease yourholiday allowance, pension and life insurance – check out ourbenefits here
* Wellbeing:a host of wellbeing tools and advice including employeeassistance
* Medicalcover so you can claim back the cost of things like anopticians or dentist appointment and a host of high-streetdiscounts
* Beautifulworking environments with the very best facilities –check out our homes here
* Arecommend a friend scheme that offers a £1,000 bonuseverytime
Bringyour whole-self to work
Here at Witherslack Group, we celebrate everyone’s differencesas that’s what makes us the best at what we do. Our young peoplecome from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds and with differentneeds – and our workforce reflects that diversity, so that ourteams can engage, encourage and inspire our young people to bethemselves. You don’t need experience, but there are a few thingswe’ll be looking for fromyou:
* A ‘can do’ attitude – ateam player who rolls up their sleeves to helpothers
* We genuinely careabout our young people (and each other) so honesty and empathy is amust
* The resilience to beable to deal with challengingsituations
* A full UK drivinglicence which you’ve held for at least 12months
* If you don’t
have a Level 3 Diploma in Residential Childcare (orequivalent), we’ll pay for you to study and support you every stepof theway
You’llstart life as a NSO by joining our ‘Care Academy’ – 4 weeks of offthe job training with experienced WG professionals to help you feelconfident and ready to support our youngpeople.
Jointhe UK’s best special education and careprovider
Our youngpeople deserve the best possible future and we feel the same aboutour teams. You deserve to have the career you want, with apurpose-led employer, in an environment that allows you to beyourself.
TheWitherslack Group is committed to safeguarding and promoting thewelfare of its young people. This post is subject to an enhancedDBS check (we will cover the cost) and an online search. We are anequal opportunities employer welcoming applications from allsections of thecommunity.
Fora full job description and person specification, please click here.
Toview our ex-offenders policy please click here.
Children’sSupport Worker / Residential Support Worker / Care Worker / Careerin Care / Working with Children /SEMH