The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust is the 6th largest trust in the UK, delivering care to more than 1.6 million patients each year through three main acute hospitals; Barnet, Chase Farm and the Royal Free RFL also operate from more than 70 locations in the community, including services from Finchley Memorial Hospital and from Edgeware Community Hospital. RFL employ 10,000 staff and our annual turnover is c.£924m.
· LeadtheTrustindrivingvaluefromoursurplusassetsinlinewiththe Trust’s Long Term Financial Model.
· Management of budgets agreed within the Trust for the work necessary to drivevaluefromtheTrust’ssurplusassets.Thiswillincludecostingallwork to be completed and development of the business case/funding request.
· Tobefamiliarwithpolicyandthe serviceprioritiesthatdriveproperty strategies for the health sector and wider public sector.
· Develop an understanding of transformation programmes across the organisationandhealthsectorgenerallyandthestrategicanddelivery initiatives thatarebeing adoptedtoachieve successful rationalisation, economies, and value generation.
· awareness of the market and strategic deliverymodels,knowledgeofprocurementandgovernance,business planning and development consultancy skills.
· To confidently represent the Trust or RFLPS in the implementation of the property strategies and major projects that will include the following type of work.
· Advisingontheavailabilityoffinanceandthefeasibilityofplanningpermission
· Masterplanning
· Attendanceat,providingandreceivinginformationofacomplexnatureand presenting at various trust management groups and Trust Boards
· Projectmanagementforthedevelopmentofbusinesscasesandauthoring
The Trust is pursuing an on-going programme of estates strategy review including potentialrationalisation, exploringand establishing JV’sandPPP’sandintensive asset management.TheTrustisconsideringinvestmentinnewfacilitiesandmechanismsto release land value and generate long term income leveraged through property assets. 50% of the current Senior Development Surveyor’s role has been seconded to the post Deputy Director of Property.
We want to engage a Senior Development Surveyor / Asset Manager to support these workstreams. The Senior Development Surveyor will provide development consulting and agency related advice in connection with a wide range of development and asset management projects across a number of sites. Projects are large and complex in their nature. The role requires a qualifiedsurveyorwith experience ofdevelopmentappraisal, developmentadvisory, legalagreements, OJEUpartnerprocurement,project management,asset management, estate strategies,acquisitionand disposal work and town planning.
Theindividualrequiresworkingknowledge ofskillareasin:
· The options available which enable private sector skills and finance to be available in partnership with the public sector that facilitate the development of new strategic and service facilities that may be funded through the release of surplus public sector land assets and/or leveraging the covenant strength of the public sector client.
· Advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of a range of strategic development opportunities and option appraisal and evaluation techniques to include qualitative and quantitative assessment of the suitability of strategic options to the specific operational and commercial circumstances of the client and the asset base that is available to them.
· Undertaking physical and financial appraisals of mixed-tenure and mixed- use development sites
· Working with financial analysts, inputting into and appraising financial models
· Developing value maximisation through potential mix, quantum, and scope of development
· Experience in viability assessment and the financial modelling of mixed-use development and performance measurement methods.
· Strategic advice on delivery structures including development agreements and joint ventures.
· Preparing formal reports and valuations endorsing the terms of sale/purchase.
· Co-ordinating sub-consultants in the provision of technical surveys and consultancy advice
· Familiar with business planning techniques and requirements including medium/long term cost in use analysis and alignment to capital programmes.
· Experience in procurement options including restricted procedure, competitive dialogue and negotiated procedure. Understanding of strengths and weaknesses of each and the appetite and views of the private sector in relation to procurement and how market interest will be optimised in the selected option.
· Awareness of the OJEU process and the significance of the OJEU notice, PQQ and ISDS stages.
· Experience in OJEU evaluation at all stages that results in an effective procurement of the best partner to optimise the partnership outputs.
· Awareness of governance procedures and experience in reporting key decisions.
· Assessing land and property use requirements, including traffic and infrastructure
This advert closes on Friday 7 Mar 2025