The Department is looking for a Post Doctoral Research Officer in the area of Computational Solids Mechanics with a focus in computational frameworks for slender structures made of soft multifunctional materials such as magneto-active polymers.
The role of this Research Officer is to work on Computational Solids Mechanics particularly developing computational coupled algorithms for thin and slender structures (e.g., beams, rods, shells) made of soft magneto-active polymers (MAPs). The successful candidate will work on the EPSRC-funded project, MAPFSI, focusing on developing experimentally-validated computational algorithms for fluid-structure interaction problems including multiphysics effect of electromagnetism into consideration. Moreover, the Researcher will implement established algorithms from the literature on computational contact mechanics to develop contact algorithms for collisions of MAPs with the walls of the fluid chambers as well as detecting the self-contact of MAPs. While this is an interdisciplinary project where computational coupled frameworks for Solids Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics will merge, the Research Officer is expected to carry out independent research and develop new computational methodologies and the associated software for the Solids Mechanics side of the project under the guidance of the Principal Investigators (PIs) and other collaborators in the project. Further, the Researcher will work closely with colleagues who will mainly work on experimental study of MAPs that have particularly focus on the fluid-structure interaction areas.
The project leadership team consists of Dr Mokarram Hossain and Prof. Djordje Peric at Swansea University and Dr Chennakesava Kadapa and Prof. Emma Hart at Edinburgh Napier University. The team is strongly supported by academic partners from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Texas A&M University (TAMU) in the USA and Charles III University of Madrid (U3CM) in Spain, and the industrial partner, Rubberatkins from the UK. The Research Officer will have the opportunities to visit academic and industrial partners for short-term knowledge exchange activities.