Consultant Psychiatrist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oxfordshire CAMHS Link and Horizon Teams
We are seeking an experienced clinician who is genuinely interested in working in an advisory, consultative and direct clinical way across agencies to ensure joined up, trauma-informed support to young people with complex needs, families and carers and professionals working with them.
Based in Oxford, this role combines working with two established services within CAMHS and managed by Oxford Health NHS FT. There is considerable synergy in clientele and ways of working across the services and the roles has been successfully undertaken by the current postholder who is due to retire.
The role of psychiatrist within these teams is varied, flexible and rewarding. Together, 6 (0.6wte) sessions are allocated to the role (Link role: 4 sessions Horizon role: 2 sessions). (However, candidates wishing to consider a full time (1 wte) CAMHS role (which would involve the Link role combined with a general CAMHS role in Oxfordshire) will be considered (details on request)).
Main duties of the job
Clinical Psychiatric Input to Oxon Link and Horizon Teams
Clinical functions for the psychiatric role are varied:
* senior clinical advisory, advocacy and support role to Oxon Link and Horizon Teams
* provision of general mental health support as well as specific functions expected of a consultant CAMHS psychiatrist:
o management of complex cases
o contribution to consideration of referrals
o advice and instigation re appropriate treatments such as medication when needed
o acceptance of joint responsibility/lead clinical role with other team members in particularly complex cases
* within Link: other functions in line with 'The Framework for Integrated Care' (FIC):
o case formulation working within a graded model of intervention support and joint working with other professionals already working alongside the young person
* within Horizon: other functions to include:
o advocacy within CAMHS and beyond for children/young people who have experienced sexual harm
FCAMHS clinical role and 2 sessions for a related liaison role providing psychiatric input to children 'on the edge of care' or in Oxfordshire local authority residential provision.
About us
The FCAMHS works across a wide area (the Thames Valley) which covers catchments for which two large health trusts (Oxford health NHS FT and Berkshire NHS FT) provide a variety of health services including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The trusts currently collaborate on a range of provision (such as Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion) and participate in the same provider collaborative for eating disorders and in-patient care for young people.
As this post and the FCAMHS team are managed and supported within Oxford Health NHS FT there follows an outline of the trust's overall geographical and clinical provision with a particular emphasis on existing CAMHS.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of mental health, community, dental and learning disability services for 690,000 people living in Oxfordshire and 480,000 Buckinghamshire. It provides CAMHS and ED services in Wilshire and North East Somerset.
Job description
Job responsibilities
1) Link Programme
Clinical Psychiatric Input to Oxon Link Team
Clinical functions for the psychiatric role are varied:
* senior clinical advisory and support role to Oxon clinical and youth-work colleagues
* provision of general mental health support as well as specific functions expected of a consultant CAMHS psychiatrist:
o management of complex cases
o contribution to consideration of referrals
o advice and instigation re appropriate treatments such as medication when needed
o acceptance of joint responsibility/lead clinical role with other team members in particularly complex cases
* development of other functions in line with The Framework for Integrated Care (FIC):
o establishment of case formulation as central to team functioning and approach to complex cases across agencies
o working within a graded model of intervention (advice/formal consultation/direct clinical input, as required) liaison and facilitation of access to appropriate provision
o particular emphasis on support and joint working with other professionals already working alongside the young person (rather than automatic assumption of a direct clinical role)
* size of clinical caseload varies depending on level of input between 30-40 cases
Systemic/Strategic Programme Functions
These are largely undertaken by lead clinician(s), operational manager and Youth Work Lead within our voluntary sector partner organisation, RAW. These strategic functions are varied and all relate to ensuring wider awareness of children with complexity and their particular needs (as well as those of their families/carers and professionals working with them). Such functions in relation to children in complex situations include:
cross-agency relationships: ensuring development of positive relationships with senior colleagues in other agencies, Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) and provider collaboratives
commissioning support: providing health-based support and advice to those considering new commissioning initiatives gaps in provision: identifying gaps in existing service provision for children and young people with complex needs (also areas where provision might be duplicated by lack of consultation before service implementation) information resource: developing an overview of existing provision such that hub clinical practitioners are able to advise about its suitability in individual cases where professionals may be uncertain oversight of training for professionals: development of a training needs analysis and integration of training within existing training programmes (such as those provided by safeguarding childrens boards) in particular, ensuring that the principles of The Framework for Integrated Care (FIC) at practitioner and systemic levels are well understood and lead to positive developments
co-production: ensuring that genuine co-production involving young people, families and carers, and professionals is fully supported within the project development
data collection and evaluation: organising and facilitating efficient and meaningful data collection to fulfil national and local evaluation requirements
linkage between local, regional and national developments: ensuring that learning from other Vanguard projects is incorporated in service developments locally and across the Thames Valley (and vice versa)
2) Horizon Team
Role of Psychiatrist in Horizon
The psychiatric input to Horizon will include:
* case consultation and advice
* initial general psychiatric assessments where concerns regarding mental health/neurodevelopmental diagnostic and management issues require clarification and are not available without significant delay elsewhere
* support for multi-agency needs assessment, risk assessment and care planning
* direct involvement in interventions as appropriate including instigation an oversight of medication when required
* facilitation as necessary of access for young people into existing core CAMHS provision
* ongoing support for development and evaluation of the service
* contribution to training delivered by the Horizon clinical team
* advocacy with CAMHS and beyond for children/young people who have experienced sexual harm
Caseload varies between 10 and 20 cases.
Person Specification
* MB BS or equivalent medical qualification.
* MRCPsych
* Qualification or higher degree in medical education, clinical research or management
* Additional clinical qualifications.
* Excellent knowledge in specialty
* Excellent clinical skills using bio-psycho-social perspective and wide medical knowledge
* Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
* Able to manage clinical complexity and uncertainty
* Makes decisions based on evidence and experience including the contribution of others
* Clear understanding of different statutory jurisdictions which relate to children and young people in addition to MHA and MCA
* Able to meet duties under MHA and MCA
* Wide range of specialist and sub-specialist experience relevant to post within NHS or comparable service. Dual qualification in Child and Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatry
* Able to deliver undergraduate or postgraduate teaching and training
* Ability to work in and lead team
* Demonstrate commitment to shared leadership & collaborative working to deliver improvement.
* Participated in continuous professional development
* Participated in research or service evaluation.
* Able to use and appraise clinical evidence.
* Has actively participated in clinical audit and quality improvement programmes
* Has led clinical audits leading to service change or improved outcomes to patients
* Evidence of achievement in education, research, audit and service improvement: awards, prizes, presentations and publications.
* Experienced in clinical research and / or service evaluation.
* Reflected on purpose of CPD undertaken
* Able to plan and deliver undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training relevant to this post