The post holder will work within the NHS Executive ensuring that all health boards and trusts in Wales work in line with national strategies, plans and priorities for informatics specifically relating to cancer pathways. The role ensures that cancer information not only meets the needs of health boards/trusts and their clinical teams in supporting the delivery of cancer services, but data is collected in a timely and accurate manner and recorded in accordance with the All Wales Cancer Datasets and guidance set out to support data collection within cancer informatic systems. The role has a specific responsibility for delivering specialised and technical knowledge of cancer information and its use/capture within clinical systems, that support National Clinical Audits for cancer, Peer Review (Quality Assurance), and for advising the National Strategic Clinical Network for Cancer. Our organisational values of Working Together, with Trust and Respect, to Make a Difference, underpinned by our Being Our Best Framework set out how we are expected to undertake our roles. The Being Our Best colleague group which applies to this role is Colleague. The NHS Wales Executive combines a wealth of NHS and Civil Service experience. By working together, we will develop a culture of inclusion where people are supported to maximise their potential through equity and opportunity.