Rejoining Police Constable - HC37936
Location: County wide
Rank: Substantive Constable (probationary period must have been completed in order to re-join)
Salary: We will need to verify your service with your previous Force in order to place you on the correct pay point accordingly to Police Regulations. The South East Allowance payment of £2,000 per annum will also apply.
Intake Dates: 27th January 2025
Rejoin Policing with Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Constabulary!
We currently have exciting opportunities available for individuals who have previously been a police officer and served with a UK Police Force but are not in receipt of their pension.
As well as being one of the largest forces in the country, Hampshire has more police officers in front-line roles than average. Policing in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight includes:
1. policing across 1,500 square miles, land which is largely rural but with densely populated cities
2. a significant transport network including the M27 and M3, key rail hubs and two international airports
3. critical national infrastructure sites to keep safe such as the ports in Southampton and Portsmouth as well as crucial oil refineries.
We value and invest in staff health and wellbeing because we know that only people who are well looked after can give the public the best possible protection. Our work on wellbeing is recognised nationally, and the unique challenges we face means there are opportunities beyond those available in many other forces.
For a description of the personal qualities to be evidenced in your application, please click on the following link: