Please note that this scheme is only open to people who are not presently in permanent employment.
Cardiff Council aims to provide a high quality, accessible Anti Social Behaviour Unit. The Service currently has a vacancy for a full time Housing Trainee working 37 hours per week.
About the job
The Housing trainee will be trained and mentored in the role of an Anti-Social Behaviour Officer. You will gain experience in the proactive work carried out in the team to ensure that tenants and leaseholders comply with their tenancy or lease conditions, providing advice and guidance and where necessary to gather evidence and take appropriate action relating to breach of tenancy conditions, also tenant/ leaseholder disputes, including assisting Lead Officer at court and evictions.
What We Are Looking For From You
There are no formal qualification or experience requirements; however, the successful applicants will have good communication skills and the ability to adapt and learn quickly. A positive and customer-focused attitude is essential, as is the ability to work to targets and deadlines.
Knowledge of other languages, in particular Welsh, would be an advantage. Experience of using IT systems would also be an advantage.
Additional information
For an informal discussion, please contact Neal Benyon on 02920 537199. This post is suitable for post share.
There are many different careers available within the council, offering good career progression opportunities and flexible working arrangements. There is no guarantee of a job at the end of the 18 month training scheme; however, those successfully completing the training will be given advice on how to apply for appropriate posts within the service.
Internal candidates who wish to apply for this position on a secondment basis must obtain approval prior to application using Form SEC1 (4.C.081). Requests may only be approved by the relevant Director/ Assistant Director/ Chief Officer or senior nominated officer graded no lower than OM2 or in the case of schools based staff the Headteacher / Governing Body.
We welcome applications in both English and Welsh. Applications received in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than English applications.
Please note the Council does not accept CVs. When completing the supporting information section of your application, please ensure you refer to the below located on our website:
Important information you need to read in order to complete your application:
Job Category: Housing
Department: Housing & Communities
Working Pattern/Contract Type: Full Time Temporary