Working closely with the Network Manager and National Network ClinicalLead, the Network Support Manager will be responsible for a wide range ofduties aimed at ensuring the success and effectiveness of the clinical network.These include: To identify and understand the needs of stakeholders, and providesound judgement and diplomatic skills, keeping them informed ofprogress against work plans. To establish effective reporting and review mechanisms to ensureprojects delivery tangible improvements in services for thepopulation of Wales. To be responsible for the development, facilitation and monitoringof the delivery of work plans, project managing the implementationof the work plans to meet objectives. To plan, arrange and administer Network meetings and events. Facilitating and supporting the development of papers andupdates and managing any ongoing actions. To manage risks to the work plans and develop contingency plans as andwhen necessary. To provide line management support to any administrative support staffaligned to the Network. To provide verbal and written reports as requested by NHS WalesExecutive, Networks and Planning directorate, Welsh Government, andother stakeholders. Regularly research best practice to ensure the achievement of theNetworks objectives. Develop associated policies for the Strategic Network to affect servicechange across Wales.These responsibilities reflect the crucial role of the Network SupportManager in driving positive change within the healthcare landscape ofWales and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders to enhancepatient care and outcomes