The following are the core responsibilities of the practice nurse. Additional training can be provided for the below responsibilities. - Develop, implement and embed health promotion and well-being programmes - Implement and evaluate individual treatment plans for chronic disease patients - Identify, manage and support patients at risk of developing long-term conditions, preventing adverse effects on patients health - Maintain chronic disease registers -Implement vaccination programmes for adults and children - Undertake monitoring (ECG, venepuncture, physiological measurements etc) - Provide wound care to patients - Provide travel advice services - Perform cytology - Offer contraception services - Assist GPs with minor surgery when required - Support the team in dealing with clinical emergencies - Recognise, assess and refer patients presenting with mental health needs - Liaise with external services/agencies to ensure the patient is supported appropriately (vulnerable patients etc.) - Delegate clinical responsibilities appropriately (ensuring safe practice and that the task is within the scope of practice of the individual) - Support the clinical team with all safeguarding matters, in accordance with local and national policies - Provide routine nursing care to patients as required in accordance with clinical-based evidence, NICE and the NSF - Maintain accurate clinical records in conjunction with extant legislation - Ensure read codes are used effectively