Clinical: The post will attract up to 10 programmed activities (7.0 CHIPS/3.0 St Oswalds). Within the 10PA job plan, appropriate time will be built in for SPA activity. Planned activities will include home, hospital and hospice visits, complex case meetings, contributing to specialist team MDTs and developing links within the region; with community teams and inpatient specialist teams. In addition to this, it is expected that at least one consultant each day will be available for unplanned activities such as clinical consults and urgent requests. On-call Duties: 0.25PA is included to cover weekend telephone advice 9am-5pm that occurs 1 in 5 weekends with CHIPS. An availability supplement will be allocated to contribute to St Oswalds on call arrangements (up to 1 in 4 non-resident on call which can be combined with weekends providing telephone CHIPS advice). Currently, there is no 24 hour advice line available for paediatric palliative care within our region, but with anticipated increase in funding it is expected that the successful applicant will contribute to an on call rota for specialist advice out of hours in the future. Administrative: The appointee will be expected to take a role in management and administration within the department. Research: The appointees help and involvement in current research within paediatric palliative medicine will be welcomed, and the development and extension of his/her own research fields will be encouraged. There is an opportunity for research to be supported within the job plan, and this can be discussed with the successful applicant if it is something that they are interested in pursuing. The appointees will be expected to participate in audit and present data at palliative care service review meetings and at Directorate Clinical Governance Meetings. Teaching and Education: The appointee will be expected to contribute to undergraduate teaching and post-graduate teaching, and to the higher specialist training of registrars in paediatrics as a clinical and/or educational supervisor. The appointee will participate in the delivery of palliative care education across the region, according to need, to enable local teams who are delivering palliative care to develop their knowledge and skill in this area.