Clinical Teaching Fellowship in Medical Education Department of Medical Education NHS Lanarkshire NHS Lanarkshire’s Department of Medical Education seek enthusiastic individuals looking to develop an interest in teaching and training as a Clinical Teaching Fellow (CTF). These posts are available from 6 th August 2025. Applicants must also have successfully completed Foundation Training in a UKFPO affiliated Foundation Programme or equivalent prior to the post start date. Working in association with the Director of Medical Education, Deputy Director of Medical Education (Undergraduate), Associate Director Medical Education and Hospital Sub Deans, the post-holder will contribute to the organization and delivery of predominantly undergraduate medical teaching in medicine, surgery and a variety of specialities across one or more of the three hospital sites in NHS Lanarkshire. Although all posts are primarily aimed to support and develop undergraduate medical education there will be opportunities to work in postgraduate medical education. The post will support the development and delivery of the NHS Lanarkshire simulation and skills-based teaching programme for undergraduate, postgraduate trainees and work experience programs for school pupils. This may include for example ALS, simulation based teaching (Medical Emergencies, clinical procedural skills and Recognition and Management of the Sick Patient) and involvement with the foundation programme curriculum teaching, both on hospital sites and at general training days. Post holders will also contribute to case based learning sessions at the University of Glasgow, along with OSCE development and examination. Post holders will work in a team of NHSL Clinical Teaching Fellows though will be attached primarily to one hospital base but duties may be undertaken at any site. Clinical Teaching Fellows will attend regular group meetings to review educational outcomes, provide peer support and develop on-going educational activity. Additional responsibilities and involvement in departmental research will be expected as outlined by the Director of Medical Education and post supervisors, along with contribution to medical education conferences. The post-holders are expected to undertake personal study in the field of Medical Education dependant on previous educational qualification and, in particular, to complete a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education during their year’s attachment (preferred provider Dundee University). Paid time during working hours is provided to enable this (max.1 session). The course will be sponsored through the Medical Education Department. Banding will be at Band 1C, post-holders are expected to maintain and develop their clinical skills through a weekly clinical session (duties for which will be arranged by local negotiation dependent on the previous experience of the trainee / their desired clinical development). The post holders are expected to comply with formal supervisory and assessment processes in regard to both their clinical and teaching activities. Although particularly suitable for trainees holding a NTN as an Out of Programme Experience, consideration will be given to those between programmes with and interest in Medical Education. Trainees who seek the post as an OOPE should have attained approval for this prior to interview. Further information is available on our website at: Should you wish to discuss the posts further please contact: Mrs Catie Paton Associate Director Medical Education (01698 752840) Dr Robin Munro Deputy Director of Medical Education(Undergraduates) – University Hospital Wishaw (01698 361100) Dr Ian Hunter, Director of Medical Education (01698 752838) ‘In NHS Lanarkshire w e are committed to recruiting a workforce that fully reflects the diverse make-up of our society. A place where every individual can thrive, develop and succeed based on skill, knowledge and talent, regardless of race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, care experienced or any other dimension that can be used to differentiate people from one another. Care experienced applicants are people who live/have lived with foster parents/kinship carers or who live/have lived in a residential children’s setting/secure unit.’ NHS Lanarkshire has a legal obligation to ensure that it does not employ any worker who has not been granted the relevant permission to work in the UK. This permission is without exception granted by the UK Border Agency. We are required to check the entitlement to work in the UK of all prospective employees, regardless of nationality or job category. Candidates who require a Certificate of Sponsorship can access further information on the UK Border Agency’s new points based system that now governs the way individuals from outside the EEA can work in the UK at Please follow the link below should you wish any further information on NHS Lanarkshire Recruitment | NHS Lanarkshire ( Please follow the link below should you wish to apply for these posts - ?