X-Ray Department Radiographic Assistant/ Care support worker/Healthcare assistant duties In the morning prepare paperwork for interventional procedures in US, (radiographers usually do Fluoro), get stickers printed if missing. In the morning collect drugs/medication and cleaning utensils (chloraprep - flammable) and put enough in US/Fluoro. Ensure all drugs/flammables are put away at the end of the day and lock the cupboards. Check stock levels in ultrasound, fluoro, x-ray and patient changing/waiting areas. Restock where necessary. Check US/Fluoro appointments lists for interventional procedures and prepare sterile packs for these procedures if possible. Check which Radiologist is running the list and ensure correct sized sterile gloves and gowns are available. Open sterile packs/equipment as required and assist Radiologist during interventional procedures. Assist radiographers/radiologists in collecting patients from reception, performing safety checks/WHO forms (ID/LMP/allergy status etc.). Assist radiographers/radiologists to correctly position patients for their scans/procedures. Help patients as necessary and offer reassurance and any information as required. Assist radiographers in ensuring radiation protection measures are taken (e.g. closing/locking the doors of X-ray rooms/Fluoro to prevent accidental radiation exposure). Help ensure that infection control policy is followed. Clean and tidy all rooms/equipment between patients and dispose of soiled/used gowns and single-use equipment. Assist radiographers/radiologists in completing administrative tasks e.g. scanning patient documentation into CRIS (make sure this is all correctly filled out), and put in the medical bag or confidential waste bin (whichever is appropriate). In US, fit-ins may occur. Show the request to the radiologist to see if these can be done (taking into account how list is running). On days when US/Fluoro have no interventional lists, deep clean ultrasound machines, beds, trolleys, checking everything is in date. Set up and calibrate the flow rate machine if there is a flow rate test on days with renal lists (Tuesday, Thursday, Weekends). Ensure commode/flow rate machine is cleaned between patients/at the end of list and the tablet is put away. Check stock levels and give an order list to Bryony weekly (there are lists/spreadsheets on the doors of stockroom/Room4 cupboard). Cover X-ray Department reception desk when receptionist is on lunch/required elsewhere or when there is no cover when they leave. If scheduled, do resus trolley checklist and inform relevant people if anything needs replacing.