The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham is a regional tertiary referral centre for complex Inflammatory Disease (IBD). As well as dedicated inpatient beds we have six dedicated IBD clinics each week supported by 11 luminal gastroenterologist (two academic) and three IBD nurse specialists. Clinics are supported by IBD interested colorectal surgeons. We have fortnightly specialist Pouchitis Clinics, weekly joint liver/IBD clinics as well as monthly IBD obstetric clinic (at co-located Birmingham Women's hospital). We also run 6-8 IBD transition clinics with Birmingham Children's hospital per year. There is a weekly inception clinic with rapid access to endoscopy for patients with symptoms suggestive of IBD. Our IBD service is supported by consultants with a dedicated interest in nutrition and intestinal failure, who support our in-patient service. We have weekly IBD multidisciplinary meeting which is supported by GI radiologists and histopathologists. We have dedicated list where IBD interested endoscopists deliver IBD surveillance colonoscopy, which allows fellows to gain experience in this evolving area with availability of advance endoscopy techniques and equipment.