Under the leadership and management of the Team Manager/Principal Social Worker to provide a statutory social work service to adults with health and social care needs achieving high quality, timely and person-centred needs assessments that will reflect the needs and risks to the individual, analysis, care planning, intervention and review appropriate to the work of the team or service unit. Social workers are required to work collaboratively with colleagues from different teams, disciplines and partner organisations in order to provide a seamless service to individuals/families/carers.
They will work in partnership to work with individuals facing complex social and family crisis across a range of settings, promoting autonomy and development with individuals who have complex needs and are more vulnerable to exclusion; and work with communities, individuals and families to promote their personal strengths. Social workers are to work at the required level of professional competence as detailed in Adult Social Care practice standards and quality assurance framework and in line with the national Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) for Social Work.
1. The Social Worker will ensure they maintain and improve their knowledge and skills and contribute to the learning and development of other members of the team. As representatives of Adult Social Care Directorate, behaviour and conduct should be professional at all times, reflecting the values of the department and the council. Accountabilities
2. The Social Worker will be required to maintain their knowledge regarding social policy and social work practice and work within the appropriate legislative context; to be responsible for undertaking all social work tasks within Government and departmental prescribed timescales and standards, ensuring the welfare of the adult is paramount at all times
3. To actively promote self-learning to ensure professional development and provide high quality practice in line with Professional Capability Framework (PCF); actively contribute to appropriate supervision, appraisal and development opportunities, observing the requirements of the HCPC
4. To work with other team members and multi-disciplinary team members from other agencies to meet the needs of vulnerable adults, operating as an effective member of the operational team
5. To ensure the views and wishes of individuals and carers are given appropriate consideration and are central to all decision making
6. To act to protect adults in need of support services in line with legal requirements and CFA procedures and to ensure that all aspects of the councils safeguarding policies are observed Job title Social Worker Corporate Directorate Adult Social Care Service Adult Care and Support 2 Information Classification: CONTROLLED
7. To act within a framework which promotes independence, prevention, re-ablement and self-determination; facilitating effective communication with families, carers, individuals and other agencies
8. Work within the Council’s budgetary framework and have understanding with regard to Local Authority legal limits and negotiation with Continuing Health Care and other streams of funding