We have a vacancy for a trainee grower, and potentially also for an experienced person to ultimately take on long-term management of the farm and/or to set up their own project. We are based on 59 acres in a very quiet and peaceful location just outside Lewes in East Sussex. Working closely with top chefs, we harvest at or before dawn on the day of delivery and only sell what we grow. We currently use just 15 acres for mixed fruit and veg, 99% outdoor grown, in an alley-cropping set-up that has been very slowly evolving since 2009 alongside an entirely self-seeded 20-acre willow, oak, and hornbeam woodland, created after reading in 2005 the research of Gilles Lemieux. Three additional fields are available, with a 2nd borehole currently being fitted.
These are long-term positions with excellent prospects, to start between mid-February and April 2022. For more information, please email Robin@namayasai.co.uk with a CV and covering letter, or give me a call during the day on 07736104770. Follow us on Instagram @Namayasaifarm.