The Culture of Care Programme is an important national priority and critical to improving services locally. We're looking for someone with a lived experience of metal health services either as having been in receipt of services or as a carer, to work with us for a year in the first instance. This person will help harness the experience and contribution of patients, carers and people who have previous used Adult Inpatient services to support the ward teams to develop practice around each of the prescribed standards. This work is supported by the Royal College of Psychiatrist and follows a model of Quality Improvement. Working as part of the steering group, the postholder with work with the clinical teams on four wards to create opportunities for people to participate and collaborate on local improvement plans and monitoring the impact they have on patients' and staffs experience. The Culture of Care Programme is part of NHS England's Quality Transformation Programme with aims to improve the culture of inpatient mental health, learning disability and autism wards for patients and staff so that they are safe, therapeutic, and equitable places to be cared for, and fulfilling places to work. The programme is designed to develop and test a range of locally designed change ideas using Quality Improvement approach. These are organised to support improvement against the following standards; Lived experience: We value lived experience, including in paid roles, at all levels design, delivery, governance and oversight Safety: People on our wards feel safe and cared for Relationships: High-quality, rights-based care starts with trusting relationships and the understanding that connecting with people is how we help everyone feel safe Staff support: We support all staff so that they can be present alongside people in their distress. Equality: We are inclusive and value difference; we take action to promote equity in access, treatment and outcomes Avoiding harm: We actively seek to avoid harm and traumatisation, and acknowledge harm when it occurs Needs led: We respect peoples own understanding of their distress Choice: Nothing about me without me we support the fundamental right for patients and (as appropriate) their support network to be engaged in all aspects of their care Environment: Our inpatient spaces reflect the value we place on our people Things to do on the ward: We have a wide range of patient requested activities every day Therapeutic support: We offer people a range of therapy and support that gives them hope things can get better Transparency: We have open and honest conversations with patients and each other, and name the difficult thing