SHEIN is a global online fashion and lifestyle retailer, providing an extensive range of affordable, SHEIN-branded apparel and products sourced from a global network of vendors. Since our founding in 2012, we have expanded to serve customers in over 150 countries worldwide. Our EMEA headquarters are in Dublin, and we now operate over 15 offices across the EMEA region.
At SHEIN, our mission is to make the beauty of fashion accessible to all. Through our industry-leading, on-demand production model, we support a smarter, more future-ready fashion industry that adapts to the changing needs of our customers.
Learn more about SHEIN by following us at https://careers.shein.com/ and https://www.sheingroup.com/.
1. Chasing product samples
2. Assisting with fit sessions
3. Managing sample & shoot rails
4. Collating images & inspiration for Buyers & Creatives to make shoot packs & product packs
5. Sourcing props & locations
6. Model bookings
7. Travel bookings
8. Creative planning meetings
9. Product inspiration
1. Interest in fashion
2. Fast paced environment
3. Creative eye
4. Flexible can do attitude
5. Vibrant personality
6. Strong willed