Who We Are: UFC® is the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than 700 million fans and approximately 290 million social media followers. The organization produces more than 40 live events annually in some of the most prestigious arenas around the world while broadcasting to over 975 million households across more than 170 countries. UFC’s athlete roster features the world’s best MMA athletes representing more than 80 countries. The organization’s digital offerings include UFC FIGHT PASS®, one of the world’s leading streaming services for combat sports. UFC is part of TKO Group Holdings (NYSE: TKO) and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, visit UFC.com and follow UFC at Facebook.com/UFC and UFC on X, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok: UFC.&xa;&xa;TKO Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: TKO) is a premium sports and entertainment company. TKO owns iconic properties including UFC, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization; WWE, the global leader in sports entertainment; and PBR, the world’s premier bull riding organization. Together, these properties reach 210 countries and territories and organize more than 500 live events year-round, attracting more than three million fans. TKO also services and partners with major sports rights holders through IMG, an industry-leading global sports marketing agency; and On Location, a global leader in premium experiential hospitality. TKO is majority owned by Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: EDR), a global sports and entertainment company.&xa;&xa; Position Summary: This position is responsible for executing and overseeing the development of sponsor-specific marketing plans, managing branded partner elements across a variety of UFC assets and supporting the day-to-day needs of UFC’s international partners. This position is responsible for partner maintenance and providing a unified voice to partners and sponsors from the UFC with respect to partnership marketing and fulfillment. Responsibilities: Provides exceptional client service, including execution of promised deliverables, key focus and evaluation of renewal opportunities, relationship building, and providing weekly and monthly program progress reports. Manages partner integration of live events, Contender Series and other fight series. Tracks all assets, produces recaps, and reports via Account Plans. Creates and drives new client on-boarding based on the current processes in place to ensure consistent client management across the globe. Manages the creation, implementation, and strategic management of UFC promotional programs and all activation with new and existing partners both on and off site. Analyzes research findings and identifies activation concepts that align with the brand, support partners’ marketing objectives, and drive business results. Manages all fulfillment activities needed based on client contracts to ensure that all elements that are contractually obligated are delivered in a professional manner. Supports renewal process for each partner contract and identifies/pursues additional revenue opportunities. Travels to select events and partner engagements, including internationally, to assist on-site. Works collaboratively across internal departments and stakeholders for partner approvals and alignment of programs and initiatives. Maintains up-to-date knowledge of industry trends, activation best practices and new media marketing efforts. Develops self to improve performance in current role and to prepare for future roles; seeks and provides feedback and coaching to enhance performance. Other projects and duties as assigned. Skills & Experience: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant program. At least 3 years of agency, team or client-based partnership servicing experience. Strong organizational, p r ob l e m -solving and reporting skills. Experience managing the development and implementation of partnership marketing strategy. Ability to bring creativity to commercial discussions, maximizing assets, and inventing feasible solutions on a case-by-case basis. Experience with marketing platform integration (digital, event, hospitality, etc.), on-site event marketing operations and logistics preferred. A b ili t y t o m u l t i - t ask and meet deadlines in f a s t-p a c e d c li e n t - s e rvi c e e n vir on m ent. Mu st b e a te am p la y e r a n d able to fo s te r e xc e ll e n t i n t e r n al a nd e x te r n al w o r k i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s. Sel f- s t ar t e r, r e s ou r c e fu l a n d a b le t o d e v e l o p s o l ut i on s i n a h i g h- s t r e ss en vir o n m e n t. E xc e lle n t w r i tt e n, v e r b al a n d i n te r pe rs o n al c o m m un i c a t i o n s k ill s Willingness to travel b o t h d o m e s t i c ally and i nt e r n a t i o n ally as ne e ded. Proficiency with Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook and ability to learn other computer programs. &xa;&xa;