Specific Responsibilities
To develop the curriculum for KS3 and KS4 in PSHE.
To enable staff to plan high quality learning activities for PSHE across the Academy.
To create and lead the Academy’s ‘PSHE teaching and learning team’ to ensure outstanding progress.
To monitor and evaluate the quality of learning for PSHE for students.
To create a classroom environment that facilitates research and independent learning.
Contribute to the internal CPD programme for PSHE and the wider Academy.
Main Expectations of the role
1. Shaping the Future
Support the Headteacher and LGB members in establishing a vision for the future of the Academy; demonstrating inspirational leadership and creativity when developing teaching across the Academy.
Play a leading role in the Academy improvement planning process, in particular areas of Academy improvement in the area you lead.
Contribute to the identification of key areas of strength and weakness in teaching in the Academy.
Work to a high standard in implementing agreed policies, priorities and expectations, so as to set a good example to other colleagues.
Promote a culture of teamwork, in which views of all members of the Academy and community are valued and taken into account.
Contribute to the self-evaluation of the Academy and lead the self-evaluation of teaching within the Academy.
2. Leading Learning and Teaching
Provide detailed analysis of key Academy performance data to a variety of audiences, including SLT, LGB members and other groups.
Promote the active involvement of students in their own learning.
Contribute to target setting; including statutory procedures and targets for individuals and groups throughout the Academy.
Support strategies to promote high standards of behaviour.
Lead the monitoring of teaching.
Provide support for colleagues in improving the learning environment to enhance learning and increasing engagement.
3. Developing self and managing others
Promote and safeguard the safety and welfare of children and young people by being the lead on Health and Safety in the Academy.
Contribute to the creation of a positive Academy ethos, in which every individual is treated with dignity and respect and the safety and welfare of children and young people is paramount.
Support the development of collaborative approaches.
Set high expectations for your own performance and that of others.
Engage in relevant professional development activity as necessary.
4. Managing the organisation
Contribute to a regular review of the organisation of the Academy to ensure it meets statutory requirements.
Develop action plans in specified areas of responsibility, in order to bring about improvements.
Contribute to the planning process for the distribution of resources, to ensure they meet the Academy’s identified priorities.
Contribute to regular evaluation of the impact of the use of resources in relation to the quality of education of the students and value for money.
Being a presence in the Academy corridors at lesson change-over, break times and at one or more of the lunch sessions during the day.
5. Securing Accountability
Support the LGB members in meeting its responsibility to ensure teaching is outstanding.
Work alongside the Headteacher to secure improvement through Performance Management; take responsibility for the performance management of staff you directly line manage.
Use a range of data sources to set realistic yet challenging targets for pupils, analysing outcomes for individuals and groups.
Contribute to the reporting of the performance of the academy to parents, carers, LGB members and other key partners.
6. Strengthening Community
Contribute to strengthening partnerships with other schools and services to enhance learning and teaching across the community.
Contribute to policies and practices, which promote equality of opportunity and tackle prejudice through teaching of Learners.
Contribute to the development of teaching of Learners.
Promote and model good relationships with parents, which are based on partnerships to support and improve pupils’ achievement.
General responsibilities common to all members of staff
All staff are responsible for the safeguarding and wellbeing of pupils and must follow BMAT guidance and policies.
BMAT Directors are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment.