Harrow High School
Post: Head of PE
Salary range: Teachers’ Pay Scale (Main or Upper) plus TLR 2B (£5,654)
Contract: Full time
Responsible to: Head of Faculty (PEPS)
We believe in excellence for all
“This is a safe and nurturing school that learners and staff are proud to be a part of” OFSTED 2023
Would you want to work in a school where ‘100% of staff would recommend working here to a friend’ and where all our Early Career Teachers told OFSTED ‘they never feel overwhelmed by the job’?
We offer a supportive environment in which professional and pedagogical development is at the heart of what we do and in which teacher workload is managed very effectively through sensible loadings, centralised planning and whole class feedback. At the same time we expect the highest standards from everyone and as a result, outcomes for young people are excellent and continue to improve (Progress 8 in 2024 was +0.62)
“The school is a positive environment for learning. learners’ behaviour is sensible in lessons and around the school” OFSTED 2023
We have the highest aspirations and expectations for young people. This means that university progression rates are excellent, there are lots of extra curricular activities and a full programme of school excursions. At the same time, behaviour in lessons and around the school is consistently excellent. Teachers can look forward to working with engaged, motivated, sensible classes and doing what they do best.
“learners with SEND and those who speak English as an additional language are well-supported." OFSTED 2023
Harrow High is a diverse and inclusive school; our learners come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a wide range of prior ability. We have the highest aspirations for them all and when working here, staff make a difference every day.
If this sounds like the kind of place you want to work then make an application or simply an appointment to come and visit us. If you are talented, highly motivated, committed to your own personal development and determined to make a difference, we would love to talk to you.
Head of Department, PE - The Role
If you are successful, you will be joining a highly dedicated, and supportive PE department. The department is progressing with Yr 11 projections this year expected to be the best for some years with even higher outcomes projections at Yr 10. The department is ambitious in its growth over the next few years and the current teachers are very ambitious and driven. We follow the AQA Syllabus at KS4 and use the Seneca platform to set homework.
What staff have to say:
I have worked at 3 schools in my career, and by far I have been the happiest and fulfilled at Harrow High, which explains why I have worked here for over 10 years now! The whole team is very driven towards our mission of "Excellence for All" and it is inspiring working with such driven and mission aligned colleagues every day. During my time at Harrow High, I have developed as a teacher and leader, through the vast range of professional development opportunities available to me; mentoring from experienced colleagues, networking with external colleagues through the Harrow Collegiate TSA, and completing National Professional Qualifications. All of these have enabled me to undertake a wide range of roles in the school, such as KS4 Science Coordinator, Head of Sixth Form, and SLT, and this variety in roles, has kept me motivated, and excited to work here.
(Kevin, Deputy Headteacher)
Firstly, wonderful learners make an excellent teaching environment. Very friendly and supportive team of colleagues that create an excellent working environment and also the feeling that, if you are passionate and driven, you will see real results. You can have a positive impact.
(Joe, Head of Humanities)
Harrow High is a nurturing and caring school where teacher's well being and care for each other is a priority. As a member of staff I feel valued and appreciated by both colleagues and learners
(Esther, Head of English)
Harrow High School is a wonderfully supportive environment where staff are valued and encouraged to grow. Throughout my time here, I’ve always felt supported by my colleagues and the school has provided me with fantastic opportunities for training and development, helping me to become a better teacher.
(Catalina, English teacher)
The friendly, supportive environment allows for staff to be able to focus on teaching and learning, thus making a real difference. The wellbeing of staff and students is a priority which makes everyone feel that they are valued, respected and heard. I am grateful to work within such a kind and caring community of staff and students!
(Hannah, Head of Maths)
The school is committed to promoting and safe-guarding the welfare of children and young people. The successful candidate will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references.
To find out more about us, please visit our website at or follow us on social media: Twitter @harrowhighsch, LinkedIn Harrow High School, and Instagram @harrowhighs .
Visits to the school are encouraged and can be arranged by contacting the recruitment team at recruitment@harrowhigh.com
Closing date: Thursday 20th March at 9.00am
To apply, please download the application pack from and email completed application to: recruitment@harrowhigh.com
Alternatively, you can use TES quick apply
The school is committed to promoting and safe-guarding the welfare of children and young people. The successful candidate will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references.