Surrey Downs Health & Care
We have an exciting opportunity has arisen for a Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner to join our Specialist Lymphoedema Service within Surrey Downs Health and Care. This dedicated Specialist Practitioner will be based at Leatherhead Community Hospital and be able to not only work autonomously alongside our established Tissue Viability Team to provide care for Adult patients who have Lymphoedema who are registered with a GP within Surrey Downs. The service provides outpatient treatment clinics as well as offering supportive care and work alongside our PCNs to provide joint working.
• To take the key strategic responsibility forleading the on-going development ofthe LymphoedemaService ensuring there is comprehensive provision of specialist high quality individual patient focusedlymphoedema,complexchronic oedemaandlipoedemacarethrough:
• The assessment, planning, delivery and evaluationof care for patients at risk of lymphoedema andpatientswithmild,moderateandcomplicatedchronicoedema,lymphoedema,includingrelatedtoadvancedmalignancyandlipoedema.
• Toenhanceclinicalexcellencewithinthisspecialty.
• To support and educate patients, carers, health and social care professionals about chronic oedema,lymphoedema/lipoedemaanditsmanagement.
• Thedeliveryofflexibleworkinginordertomaintain optimalserviceprovision.
Surrey Downs Health and Care deliver care closer to people’s own communities through our Primary Care Networks, Community Hospitals, Specialist Services and our innovative partnership of local NHS organisations.
Surrey Downs Health and Care has a track record of providing person centered care that goes beyond organisational boundaries to do what is best for the individual. This partnership includes:
• The three GP federations GP Health Partners, Dorking Health Care and Surrey Medical Network representing practices that operate in the Surrey Downs area
• CSH Surrey
• Epsom and St Helier’s University Hospitals NHS Trust
• Surrey Council County
Historically, there have been boundary lines between the organisations that provide care to people in their homes, in GP surgeries and in hospitals, but we have always been united in our mission to provide great care to the people who need us.
It’s on those grounds that the Surrey Downs Health and Care was formed – we want local people to receive the care that they need in the right environment. By bringing together our expertise, we can improve patient care and enable local people to access the right support, care and treatment more easily than ever before.
In bringing this partnership together, we are working to the same set of values that will translate into better care for our residents.
· To have a comprehensive understanding of chronic oedema, lymphoedema and lipoedema including thecauseanddevelopmentandsignsandsymptoms.
· To keep up-to-date in current managementthrough relevant research and evidence based practice,takingresponsibilityandaccountabilityforeffectivecaredelivery.
· To undertake holistic patient assessments, forming differential diagnosis and establishing patient needsfor those with complex chronic oedema, mild, moderate and complex lymphoedema, and lipoedema,directingspecialistcare.
· To provide expert specialist support, advice and information to patient’s, carers, health and social careprofessionals, for those at risk of lymphoedema development and those with established complicatedchronicoedema,lymphoedemaorlipoedema.
· Toleadthedeliveryofevidencebasedhighstandard individualisedpatientcentredtreatmentandcare.
· To work with patients to develop individual care plans to address goals and promote self-management.To performDopplerandcirculatoryassessmentstoestablish suitabilityforcompressiontherapy.
· Toundertakelimbvolumemeasurementsandmeasureforcompressiongarments/devicesforstableandunstableanduncomplicatedand complicated chronicoedema,lymphoedema,and lipoedema.
· To prescribe and undertake treatments or give advice to include: skincare, wound care, exercise, medicaltaping,compressiongarmentsandVelcrodevices,manuallymphaticdrainage,simplelymphaticdrainage, intermittent pneumatic compression, Physiotouch, low level light therapy, weight managementandcompressionbandaging.
· Toreassessandreviewcareprovisioninordertomonitorprogressandevaluatetheeffectivenessoftreatmentregimes.
· Toliaisewithappropriatemembersofthemulti-disciplinaryandwiderhealthcareteamtoensureseamlessco-ordinationandcontinuityofcare.
· Tomaintainaccurateclinicalrecords.
This advert closes on Wednesday 26 Feb 2025