- To provide speech and language therapy support to young people/ adults across the trust where needed. - To understand and follow the ethos and values of Novalis Trust. - Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team for children and adults with a range of learning difficulties. - To undertake and partake in joint assessment and therapy sessions with other trained therapists. - To have an understanding of how trauma and adverse life experiences impact upon communication and development, and use this knowledge to set goals and implement therapeutic support. - To work with other speech and language therapists, to support the language needs of the young people and adults at Novalis trust. - To meet with all new young people/ adults to assess their communication needs in their new setting. - To work with care teams and teachers to implement speech and language goals, ensuring there is a Total communication approach. - To identify and create appropriate visual supports where needed, and ensure they are implemented correctly within different settings. - To be creative and flexible in the way therapy is implemented. - To identify students communication needs and be able to plan and prioritise intervention. - To undertake assessments and provide detailed diagnostic assessment reports, which are accessible to other members of the disciplinary team and external teams. - To set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time specific goals, which are regularly reviewed and adapted if needed. - To include the views and wishes of the young person/ adult in goal setting, and ensure they are aware of the goals that they are working on where appropriate. - To carry out therapy sessions on a 1:1 basis, and group basis where needed. - To ensure other team members working with young person/ adult are aware of their communication needs and put strategies in place across different settings to support this, and regularly review that these strategies are being followed. - To be able to use and follow an Education Health Care Plan/ care plans to plan future intervention and link the goals into therapeutic support you provide. - To facilitate effective communication and both devising and implementing specific therapy programmes for groups and individuals using evidence-based and student centred principles. - To write up to date, evidence based reports for annual reviews, LAC reviews and EHCP reviews, and attend these reviews if asked to do so. - To support teachers, clinical therapy assistants and other staff members in being able to select appropriate resources at a level that the young person/ adult will be able to understand. - To support with any training for staff members on communication. - To attend regular clinical supervisions and line management supervision, and use this time to learn and develop in order to best support the young people/ adults. - To undertake and participate in training run by the Trust, focusing on a trauma informed approach and to use this ethos in supporting the people you work with. - To keep up to date with continual professional development. - To be registered with the HCPC and RCSLT. - To understand and implement safeguarding procedures.