Clinical Teaching Fellow
Salary: £45,504 - £60,199 per annum
Plus: 1b banding supplement
Distant Islands Allowance: £1,349 per annum
Hours: 40 hours per week
Contract: Fixed Term until 5th August 2025 (extendable)
Are you undecided about your career choices? Want to gain more clinical teaching experience or develop an interest in remote & rural medicine, education, research, or management? Then a clinical teaching fellow post might be for you. An opportunity to grow in confidence as a doctor whilst still gaining supported experience.
The Clinical Teaching Fellow post is immediately available until 5th August 2025, thereafter potentially extendable for a period of 6 to 12 months, at NHS Western Isles (Stornoway). This post is aimed at those doctors who have recently completed the foundation programme or core training. The post will involve teaching provision for medical undergraduates and the hospital workforce, working closely with the Medical Education Co-ordinator, with time allocated for personal development opportunities tailored to individual experience and seniority where appropriate.
This post will afford a successful applicant the opportunity to experience work within the health board with protected and mentored development time. Development time can be used to develop experience in quality improvement projects, medical education, research, and management skills.
The successful applicant will be required to register with the PVG Scheme (Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme). This post is not eligible for relocation expenses.
Closing Date: 19/03/2025